Hair today gone tomorrow

OP here,
I made an appointment today to get fitted for a toupee and then cancelled the appointment. I just got my hair cut short. It looks better. I think this is the best I can do. I almost got a toupee but in the end decided against it and just went with it short all around and the bald spot doesn't stand out as much. It is what it is.

Good call. Congrats on the decision. There are MILLIONS (probably tens of millions) of guys with less than perfect hair. Assuming you're past the age of 25 or so, it is no big deal.

I just came back from dinner with the wife, and we went for ice cream after. There were probably 15 people in the shop in line - and at least 50% of the guys had less than perfect / balding / barely any hair. It's really common once you get past your 20s.

Just consider yourself lucky you didn't go through this back in the late 80s early 90s like me. Those were much different times..
I had very thick hair in my 20’s and it started to recede and thin out on top in my 30’s. Over the years, i have resorted to cut my hair shorter and shorter. I am 45 now and I think that in a few years I’ll probably go with a very short buzz cut. i don’t think that I have a good head for shaving it completely.
OP here,
I made an appointment today to get fitted for a toupee and then cancelled the appointment. I just got my hair cut short. It looks better. I think this is the best I can do. I almost got a toupee but in the end decided against it and just went with it short all around and the bald spot doesn't stand out as much. It is what it is.

Good for you! Remember, it does take some getting used to. Try it for a few months, or better yet, a few seasons, and see how you feel about it then.
DO NOT get a hair piece. As much as you think it is unnoticeable, it is noticeable. My FIL had one. Ugly.
My hairline receded into my 40's. I made a commitment to myself to never have a comb over. I finally shaved it all off about 7 years ago. I love it. My wife loves it. People think I am 10 years younger than I am because I have no gray hairs to be judged by. Other bald guys come up and talk to me just because we are bald. No shampoo, no hair cuts, no worry about the wind. I shave it every other day. Takes me 5 minutes or less. I would never go back to having hair.
Yes, there are definite advantages to having it cut short. Like you said, the wind doesn't bother my hair anymore. It's too short now, so it doesn't matter. It takes less shampoo now to wash what hair I have left. Plus I think it just looks better now all around. I am planning on keeping my hair real short from now on.

ATA- Five years or so ago I was still trying to do the futile combover. It didn't work. When the wind would blow, it would completely expose what I had tried to do, not that everyone didn't already know.
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Try Collagen Peptides - DW and my hair grew much faster and thicker
I've been Friar Tuck bald since I was 25. Please don't go with a toupee. Be proud of who you are. People are not as critical of baldness as you might think, especially women.

Got you beat, started losing hair at age 16, was completely bald at 22.

Problem was, this was late 70s when hair was in. It made my late adolescence and early adulthood brutal. Rogaine and all the other stuff popped up after, when shaving bald even became acceptable. Let's just say this issue built a hell of a lot of character into me.

So, yeah, travelover, I'm with you. Be proud.
Yes, there are definite advantages to having it cut short. Like you said, the wind doesn't bother my hair anymore. It's too short now, so it doesn't matter. It takes less shampoo now to wash what hair I have left. Plus I think it just looks better now all around. I am planning on keeping my hair real short from now on.

Another advantage: I decided to start exercising more when my hair was short...I sweat a lot, and it was annoying having my hair stay wet. Now, I can run a towel over my fuzz, and most of the moisture is gone! :dance:
I agree that you made the right decision but why are wigs on women okay but toupee's are a no no ?
Another advantage: I decided to start exercising more when my hair was short...I sweat a lot, and it was annoying having my hair stay wet. Now, I can run a towel over my fuzz, and most of the moisture is gone! :dance:

The biggest advantage to baldness is exercise, especially swimming.

There are a few disadvantages regarding the sun though. You can really get burnt. Gotta keep sunscreen around and keep a hat handy.

To me, the biggest disadvantage is the "early warning systems" and "ball bearings" that hair provides when you hit your head. People with hair instinctively put on the brakes when connecting with an obstruction. The hair also provides padding and ball bearing kind of sliding lubrication. For those with perfect heads, however, the obstruction is hit squarely, frequently resulting in lacerations and contusions.
I agree that you made the right decision but why are wigs on women okay but toupee's are a no no ?

I guess because women can actually pull it off. Not only can they look good, they may even be unnoticed. Not sure one can get that good of a toupee, but if they did, I guess it would be okay. I’ve known women at work that had all kinds of things done like wigs and weaves. They look good. Unfortunately, men look like they have a critter on their head. Just the reality, not a double standard.
It's completely normal and natural for many mature adult males to become partly or entirely bald.

Many of us women think this is actually pretty doggone attractive. Just sayin'.... :D

(Also, if you are REALLY lucky, like F, it could give you an unusually intelligent and distinguished look especially if you have a little silver hair around the bottom and silver framed glasses.)

I suppose if a man NEEDS a toupee or hair transplant to go out in public due to abysmally inadequate self confidence, well, then you gotta do what you gotta do. But it's not going to improve what women think of your appearance, IMO.

Now if a woman was bald, she would probably look better with a wig because baldness in women is not often seen. It would keep people from staring. But if a woman has hair, I doubt anybody would notice a wig of her natural hair color. I had a wig once but never wore it out of the house because it felt like a Hallowe'en costume to me. It was a pretty ash blonde instead of my normal silver/white hair color, but it just wasn't me.
Many of us women think this is actually pretty doggone attractive. Just sayin'.... :D

Very much so..I've had several female friends tell me they "prefer" bald men, or find them very attractive..

I still remember a time I was buzzing what hair I had super short and ran into a good friend of mine and his wife on a nearby bike trail. My friend's wife is the sterotypical trophy wife (ie: extremely good looking) and called after me as I was riding away - "hey, what number is that"? I had NO IDEA what in the world she was asking, but it turned out she wanted to know what clipper guard I used - so that she could convince her silver haired, also very good looking hubby to go under the clippers to a similar length..shortly after, every time I saw him - his formerly longer hair was SUPER short..and she literally picked the barber that he'd go to..I still tease him about it to this day :)..this was probably 10+ years ago and he's thinning more and more now and has kept it super short since. Looks a LOT better than it did back in the day with some long and some thinning..

So, one thing I've learned..there are a lot of women who find buzzed or even bald attractive (whew!) Unfortunately, it seems that only in the past 5 or at most 10 years this is becoming the was pretty brutal before I met my lovely wife almost 30 years ago now thinking every woman wanted a guy with perfect hair..
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I agree that you made the right decision but why are wigs on women okay but toupee's are a no no ?

Wigs on women suck too. You can see them and they seem very, very old fashioned. Hair extensions are tough to pick out, but wigs stand out. It’s the lack of scalp showing.

I have seen bald women and I think its great. Either by choice or for medical reasons, I commend anyone willing to just be you.
I guess because women can actually pull it off. Not only can they look good, they may even be unnoticed. Not sure one can get that good of a toupee, but if they did, I guess it would be okay. I’ve known women at work that had all kinds of things done like wigs and weaves. They look good. Unfortunately, men look like they have a critter on their head. Just the reality, not a double standard.

If men are willing to spend monies, it can look natural.
IMHO, some of the guys in Hollywood past and present who had/have good toupees were as follows, just to name a few.
Sean Connery
Ted Danson in Cheers
William Shatner
Matthew Mcconaughey
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I once got a buzz cut while still working. Everyone thought I had cancer. It wasn't a good look on me....
I had a military flat top when I was in the military. Looked good mostly because I was an instructor and wore the 'Yogi Bear' ranger hat. But as my monk's cap bloomed, it didn't look so good. Thankfully I'm tall and it's not obvious when I go outside in public. However, my grand kids all notice it when I get down to play with them. Kids don't hold nothing back. You want an honest opinion of how your hair makes you look, ask them.
FWIW I often find bald(ing) guys sexy. The combination of bald(ing) and FIRE, even more so :) A full head of hair on a guy doesn't matter a whit to me. Other women who claim they would never date a bald(ing) guy are just shallow IMO.
Try Collagen Peptides - DW and my hair grew much faster and thicker

I bet DW was upset about that.

I've been bald since not long after college. I've always kept my hair trimmed relatively short, although I get it scissor cut, not trimmer cut. It just looks better on me that way. I always used to tell DW that when I retired I was going to grow it long and wear it in a ponytail. That thought was discarded when she pointed out that I'd look like the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons.

However, now that I've lost so much weight, maybe I could pull it off. Nah, I'd just end up looking like George Carlin.

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