Halloween costume pics!


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 15, 2004
St. Louis
OK - I know there have to be at least a few other ER forum members that enjoy dressing up for Halloween.

Went to a public party last night, and had a blast. Used a co-worker's previous idea of making a Jack head. Turned out pretty well. (note to the single guys out there - apparently, women love having their picture taken with Jack! ;) ).

Go to any parties this past weekend? Dressing up for Halloween this year? Post your pics!


  • jack.jpg
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Kumquat, that's Mr. Jack Box, president of the U.S. fast food chain Jack in the Box.
TY, someday I'll get out of the frozen North and learn about the rest of the world. I guess J-in-B is the only US fast-food franchise we don't have (other than In and Out Burger which i wish we did have).
I did not have a clue who he was either. That is a funny commercial.
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