Happy Holidays


Recycles dryer sheets
Mar 13, 2006
I just wanted to wish everyone well and say thanks for the input both to me and to others that have helped me set up my retirement plan.

We had planned on ER soon - me at the end of '07 and my DW at the end of '08. Well my DW just went in for knee surgery and we may have to accelerate the plan. That's the bad news. The good news? Because of the changes in my financial plan I have made this year, we can do it if we have to. I would like to take full credit for this brillant achievment but a lot of you have helped as I learned through the year by reading the threads in this forum.

Again - thanks. May you all live to be a healthy 150, may your portfolios grow so large you can't spend it all, and may you find all the joy that life has to offer.

And from this one Christian, Merry Christmas! To Non-Christians, may you have a joyous and prosperous 2007. Is that PC enough? ;)
larry said:
And from this one Christian, Merry Christmas! To Non-Christians, may you have a joyous and prosperous 2007. Is that PC enough? ;)
Back at ya from this secular humanist - merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone on the Board.
larry said:
And from this one Christian, Merry Christmas! To Non-Christians, may you have a joyous and prosperous 2007. Is that PC enough? ;)
Hey, our kid has enough religious zeal to celebrate Hanukah and Christmas.

Or maybe there's a more venal motive...

Have a happy one, and you Young Dreamers don't forget to write down what you do all day on Monday. It'll be a great tutorial for the day you go full-time at that ER avocation...
From our side of the mountain to yours,...Happy Holidays!!

Important Note: If your are tired of this bland a$$ happy holidays stuff, not to worry, I have posted a greeting on the Merry Christmas thread.

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