Hard Drive Replacement

An experienced system tech always can go back one step, and go forward with a different option. For a fixed price, geek goes forward, closes the ticket, and moves to the next case.
There are plenty of guide videos on Youtube on how to replace parts in most computers. I would try that before going to some place.
I paid about $55 for 500 GB Sandisk SSD. I can’t tell any difference from the mechanical drive when it was working properly. The laptop now makes a grinding noise on startup. I’d be horrified if I did the work myself and had this problem. I had asked them to clone me drive before the replacement but I guess that’s not how they do it. They did backup the few bits of data I had on there.

How do you know they even put in the SSD and not some old drive, or did nothing except charge you ?

Did they return your old drive to you ?
I paid about $55 for 500 GB Sandisk SSD. I can’t tell any difference from the mechanical drive when it was working properly. The laptop now makes a grinding noise on startup. I’d be horrified if I did the work myself and had this problem. I had asked them to clone me drive before the replacement but I guess that’s not how they do it. They did backup the few bits of data I had on there.

I was generally impressed with the Geek Squad and Best Buy in general.

I must be missing something. Didn't you pay them to do the work, and now it makes a grinding noise? I don't get how you can be impressed at all with them, considering the output of their work.
I must be missing something. Didn't you pay them to do the work, and now it makes a grinding noise? I don't get how you can be impressed at all with them, considering the output of their work.

I was impressed with the whole Best Buy experience before the grinding noise started. Now I am less impressed but curious to see how they respond to the issue. It was noisy before sometimes but I think that was a different noise and I’m just glad I chose the SSD and didn’t do it myself.

I would’ve spent 20 hours instead of two and I’ve got a dozen other projects going.
My free internet diagnosis is that the cpu fan is on the fritz. Assuming you saw a big performance improvement after the SSD upgrade, it most likely means they replaced the hard drive with a SSD. One really easy way to check to see what it was replaced with is to go into the Device Manager and look under "Disk Drive" and it'll show what drive is installed.

When I replaced my hard drive in the laptop I'm typing on now with a SSD about 2 years ago, I noticed a pretty big performance improvement but I also noticed that the cpu fan was coming on much more often. This makes sense since before the SSD, the cpu was idling most of the time waiting for the slow mechanical hard drive but now with the SSD the cpu can run much faster which means it's going to get hotter and the fan is going to be on more often. If your fan was making noises before the SSD install then it was already on its last leg and the SSD install just pushed it over the edge so to speak.
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Could definitely be fan noise. I was trying to think what else is left that is mechanical and all I could think of was cd drive.
Could definitely be fan noise. I was trying to think what else is left that is mechanical and all I could think of was cd drive.

Maybe now with a SSD instead of the HDD, no more HDD so you really notice the fan noise?

I have a laptop which had terrible fan noise. Ended up buying a generic fan for that laptop, took the laptop apart and replaced the fan. Now nothing but the sound of silence :).
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