Has anyone here caught the Virus, or know anyone who has?

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WADR, don't you want the people running the country (and the people they are closest to) cleared quickly? I know I do, independent of who it is.

I was going to post the same thing. Some people ARE more important then others. We can't have the whole command crew going down, no matter what you're individual opinion about them is.
The movie stars and such are another matter altogether.
If I lived alone, it would be easy to say that I think I had the coronavirus, starting in January. (Our state health director has said we've had community spread since then. We just didn't know it then.) However, there are 3 others in my household, which makes it almost impossible to say I had it. I'd have to believe that I had it, somehow DH, DD, and DS didn't get it, or they were asymptomatic the whole time, and it's a miracle that none of their co-workers or the residents at the nursing home DS works at (kitchen staff) have contracted it. Unbelievable.

I know I posted about this here before, but I can't find it now. DH got a doctor-recommended MMR vaccine on Jan. 7th. He had no reaction to it. I got my MMR vaccine at the grocery pharmacy on Jan. 10th. Within a few hours, I started coming down with symptoms that I attributed to a mild reaction to the vaccine. Over the course of the next several weeks, I had mild (and some unusual) symptoms that changed every few days. Some came and went quickly, while others hung around longer and wore out their welcome. In approximate order:

A slight warmth in the eyes, loss of appetite, an extremely salty taste in my mouth with an inability to taste food, pain in my tongue and the back of my mouth and throat, drinking cold liquids felt like my tongue was on fire, hot liquids felt more soothing, slight queasiness more off than on, as the pain began to recede it stayed more localized on the left side of my tongue, pain radiating from my left ear to the left side of my tongue. This was in the first 2 weeks and most of it had begun to subside by then.

Near the end of week 2, a slightly heavy head at times, a dry cough. Week 3, occasional mild shortness of breath with a feeling of slight lung constriction that became more pronounced after carrying laundry upstairs as though I'd just run a race. Taking slow deep breaths cleared this up within a minute. Upon waking every morning, my breathing felt normal and the lungs expanded freely. Shortly after getting up and moving around, the dry cough, shortness of breath, and that feeling like my lungs wouldn't fully expand would return. It was more annoying than worrisome.

At no time did I have a fever. I checked often. As strange as it sounds, I didn't feel sick either. I lost 10 lbs. in 2 to 3 weeks.

The symptoms didn't match the listed possible reactions to the MMR vaccine. Exactly 2 weeks after I got the vaccine, I told the pharmacist my entire range of symptoms. He was puzzled, but not alarmed. He said he'd never heard of anyone reacting to the MMR vaccine that way. He gave no recommendations.

By late Jan. I told DH that if it wasn't for the lack of fever, I'd almost think I had the coronavirus. But my earlier symptoms didn't match and I had no fever. Plus, DH, DD, and DS had no symptoms. I wouldn't have qualified to be tested anyway. The closest I'd come to China was the Chinese takeout restaurant on New Year's Day. :LOL:

Throughout Feb., the shortness of breath and lung constriction gradually went away. The dry cough persisted. I thought maybe I was having a delayed reaction to the new toothpaste and mouthwash I'd started using a few months earlier. Really delayed? :rolleyes: I stopped using them and thought the dry cough was slightly better, but it didn't last long. Wishful thinking.

I'd had pneumonia when I was 40, and this didn't feel anything like that. It wasn't getting worse, just slightly getting better, but not moving on completely. I'd cough more in the morning and evening. The middle of the day was getting better. I told DH it was feeling more like a continued irritation to something. I was resigned to maybe having to finally see the doctor about it. (I'd used cough syrup and Vicks until it wasn't advised to do so any longer. It did help for awhile.) At that time, I still wouldn't have qualified to be tested for coronavirus. No fever, no recent travel, no known contacts, no severe flu-like symptoms, no severe difficulty breathing. Not at all close to needing to be hospitalized, thankfully.

Last ditch effort. Our tap water usually bothers my digestive tract in the warmer weather when it gets an algae taste. That's all. It's not warm enough for that and the water tastes fine. Still, I bought a small 5 cup Brita water pitcher on March 7th. (By that time, bottled water was already in short supply.) Within a couple of days of drinking the filtered water, the cough was completely gone.

Now the American Academy of ENT specialists has just reported that loss of smell (didn't have this), loss of taste, disruption in taste, are being recognized as known symptoms of coronavirus. Several news sources are picking up on this. In countries that have had much more widespread testing than the US, as many as 2/3 of confirmed cases have reported these symptoms. In some cases, there were no other symptoms and they didn't feel sick at all. Now they are urging that these symptoms be recognized and people who experience this should self-isolate. Wow. What else are we going to learn in the weeks and months to come?
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Interesting. The VP and wife got their results in hours...:cool:

This is because our press puts them in no win situations. For days and days they were pounding Trump about why he hadn't gotten a test given all the people he interacts with (after the person from Brazil who was near him tested positive). The no-win situation: If he HAD gotten a test right away, the press would be pounding him about why HE was able to get a test while others (e.g. health care workers) couldn't.

This is inherently different than Hollywood stars or basketball players (after the season had been suspended). Our system requires them to be there - day after day to run the government. This is true regardless of the party in charge and regardless of whether you like them or don't.

I live in NY State, and didn't vote for the current governor. But I certainly want him working - and if necessary to be tested quickly to ensure that government endures. It is in time of crisis that this is the most important.
Florida Dashboard by county

Here is the link to the department of Florida which is the dashboard by county statistics.


Roughly 1,400 diagnosed cases - half of which are in the southeast corner of the state. Florida's version of Lombardy, Italy.

Drilling down county by county - Broward and Dade (home of Fort Lauderdale and Miami respectively) have the big ship cruise terminals. Ok - no surprise that this is the epicenter of FL.

A bit further look at the charts shows an abnormal high spike in Broward compared to other counties for the 20-29 age group - Spring Breakers on the beach. Who all went home to share the virus with their families. As DW said "Where the hell were there parents of these idiots."

FL is now on an exponential curve, and identified cases doubling each week. The snowbirds are staying, and their relatives are coming from New York and New Jersey. The governor started a public health and police greeting for the planes coming in telling residents of these states that they have a 14 self isolation requirement. Right - how the heck will that work? In four weeks my guestimate is that we will have 25,000 cases unless social distancing is practiced in more than just talking about it.
I had something very similar to gwaighty happen to me . I got a pneumonia vaccine and shortly after I started to feel extremely weak. I then started with a cough . I check my oxygen levels since I have some COPD .My oxygen levels were lower than normal . I had a chest x ray and I had a mild pneumonia .The pneumonia did not respond to two doses of antibiotics and the coughing was awful .I also was given oxygen for as needed . I kept on losing weight . Finally I was sent to an infection Physician who gave me three weeks of antibiotics IV twice a day .These were real heavy duty antibiotics . They took care of it but I have wondered if I had it . The only thing that makes me think not is that no one I was in contact with has had it .
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I had something very similar to gwaighty happen to me . I got a pneumonia vaccine and shortly after I started to feel extremely weak. I then started with a cough . I check my oxygen levels since I have some COPD .My oxygen levels were lower than normal . I had a chest x ray and I had a mild pneumonia .The pneumonia did not respond to two doses of antibiotics and the coughing was awful .I also was given oxygen for as needed . I kept on losing weight . Finally I was sent to an infection Physician who gave me three weeks of antibiotics IV twice a day .These were real heavy duty antibiotics . They took care of it but I have wondered if I had it . The only thing that makes me think not is that no one I was in contact with has had it .

I'm glad you're better now. There's so much community spread.
This is because our press puts them in no win situations. For days and days they were pounding Trump about why he hadn't gotten a test given all the people he interacts with (after the person from Brazil who was near him tested positive). The no-win situation: If he HAD gotten a test right away, the press would be pounding him about why HE was able to get a test while others (e.g. health care workers) couldn't.

This is inherently different than Hollywood stars or basketball players (after the season had been suspended). Our system requires them to be there - day after day to run the government. This is true regardless of the party in charge and regardless of whether you like them or don't.

I live in NY State, and didn't vote for the current governor. But I certainly want him working - and if necessary to be tested quickly to ensure that government endures. It is in time of crisis that this is the most important.

Mom's test came back positive. So me and the kids are home quarantining. It's been 9 days and no symptoms so hopefully we're clear
My youngest son started coughing today. I suspect my quarantine is about to get longer. I don't know if we can have him tested- they wouldn't test my dad or my sister. They just don't have enough tests.
DW has a cough...otherwise feeling OK...no fever, no malaise...not experience any muscle aches... reasonably peppy... we are in central Florida where grass pollen is very high right now..who knows??

I have a very slight accentuation of my ever-present post-nasal drip. I feel as peppy as ever.
We are, of course, self-quarantined, until we run out of food, or come close enough to it that I feel I need to venture out.

Day by day waiting for symptoms to abate, or get worse. WTFK??
My youngest son started coughing today. I suspect my quarantine is about to get longer. I don't know if we can have him tested- they wouldn't test my dad or my sister. They just don't have enough tests.

Two things seem obvious to me:

1. More cases of the coronavirus infection exist than reported, simply because there isn't the capacity to test most people who have it.

2. Mortality per case is overstated because only the most severe cases are being tested.

The only conclusion I can draw from those two things is that even if DW and I do have it, we'll probably survive.
I hope you feel better and this doesn't turn into anything serious. I want to say Kudos to you and everyone else who isn't panicking, because that can lead to different unintended consequences.
Fortunately, my sore throat lasted less than 24 hours, and I ended up having some nasal congestion and runny nose for about 3 days - a pretty mild cold. Yesterday, I felt pretty much over it, and my temp actually read higher than normal in the evening at 99.6, but it was 98.4 this morning. So, I assume that's all it was - a cold. There's still no confirmed CV19 cases in my county.

I've been very careful with my hygiene and social distancing since the first of this month, but that didn't keep me from catching this cold, so I don't feel confident in being able to prevent CV19, either, although practicing these procedures for weeks has improved my consistency of using them, less mistakes of possible surface contamination transfer, but I can't always keep 6' away from people at work or even at the grocery store at times. I control what I can.

Apparently a lot of people think they have/had COVID-19, but they really just had a cold, flu, or absolutely nothing at all.
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HadEnuff - I think you're right. My sister's doctor said that they almost certainly have it, as they stayed at my mom's for a week and were there when she came down with the fever. The only one of them who qualifies for testing is my nephew who has asthma. He's the only one not showing symptoms yet.

My boys and I only went for Sunday lunch before she got sick. I was hoping we'd escape, but that's looking less likely now. So it's looking like there are 9 of us sick-(11 if you count my brother and SIL from whom mom probably got it) and they officially counted 1 case. Hmmm.
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This is because our press puts them in no win situations. For days and days they were pounding Trump about why he hadn't gotten a test given all the people he interacts with (after the person from Brazil who was near him tested positive). The no-win situation: If he HAD gotten a test right away, the press would be pounding him about why HE was able to get a test while others (e.g. health care workers) couldn't.

I think Trump was under obligation to get tested because of the job he holds. It was his duty as president. Nobody was going to b*tch because he got the test.

BTW, a friend and former co-worker reports that she has the symptoms but can't get tested right now because tests aren't available for people showing relatively mild symptoms.
The problem with getting tested or not is that it doesn't change anything for your treatment. All those people wanting to get tested is not changing what they do in recovery. It just confirms what they are sick from.
I wish people would let the medical professionals make decisions and not media.
The problem with getting tested or not is that it doesn't change anything for your treatment. All those people wanting to get tested is not changing what they do in recovery. It just confirms what they are sick from.
I wish people would let the medical professionals make decisions and not media.

At some point if we want to start allowing people to go back to work we have to know who has recovered from the virus and developed antibodies to it. Assuming the antibodies are similar to the ones our bodies develop for other viruses, they should give us a fairly long period of immunity. That means anyone with antibodies is no longer at risk of infecting other people and is safe to go out in public again.

There is a new antibody test that was just approved and millions of test kits are being produced. This could be the first step in identifying who is most at risk if we begin to re-open the country.
At some point if we want to start allowing people to go back to work we have to know who has recovered from the virus and developed antibodies to it. Assuming the antibodies are similar to the ones our bodies develop for other viruses, they should give us a fairly long period of immunity. That means anyone with antibodies is no longer at risk of infecting other people and is safe to go out in public again.

There is a new antibody test that was just approved and millions of test kits are being produced. This could be the first step in identifying who is most at risk if we begin to re-open the country.

So you need a work permit that shows you already had COVID-19. No.
So you need a work permit that shows you already had COVID-19. No.

It would be faster and more convenient to tattoo/brand their forehead


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DW has a cough...otherwise feeling OK...no fever, no malaise...not experience any muscle aches... reasonably peppy... we are in central Florida where grass pollen is very high right now..who knows??

I have a very slight accentuation of my ever-present post-nasal drip. I feel as peppy as ever.
We are, of course, self-quarantined, until we run out of food, or come close enough to it that I feel I need to venture out.

Day by day waiting for symptoms to abate, or get worse. WTFK??
We arrived in pollen laden central GA and quickly experienced slight cold like symptoms. DH worse because he is much more sensitive to spring pollen etc., and had some coughing at night which taking Sudafed resolved. That is past. Me - barely perceptible symptoms.
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Thanks, all of you. I would like to be offline, but I can't get far from my phone because I can't leave the house and it's the only link I have regarding Mom's condition. So I will update on her condition.

Quarantine has been fine up until now, but isolation isn't any fun when you need someone to talk to.
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