Has anyone here caught the Virus, or know anyone who has?

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Ugirl , sending out lots of love and light for your mom.
My next door neighbor is now showing early symptoms and he found out this morning that he was exposed earlier this past week. We live in a semi-rural area on a short dead end street with just a few families. Our kids were playing outside as recently as Thursday.

Our county had zero confirmed cases a week ago and four confirmed cases yesterday not counting my neighbors presumed case.

I moved my mother out of our guest house and to a condo inside a retirement village Thursday. I either got her moved just in time or a day too late.
Ed B, perfect example of why it's never too early to implement self isolation.
Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes. Mom is home today and finally showing a little improvement. She is on the anti- malaria drug which is giving her terrible headaches. She is also taking 2 antibiotics. The worst seems to have passed and we are hopeful but still praying.

She is being well taken care of by my dad and brother (who is a nurse).
Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes. Mom is home today and finally showing a little improvement. She is on the anti- malaria drug which is giving her terrible headaches. She is also taking 2 antibiotics. The worst seems to have passed and we are hopeful but still praying.

She is being well taken care of by my dad and brother (who is a nurse).

Wonderful news!
Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes. Mom is home today and finally showing a little improvement. She is on the anti- malaria drug which is giving her terrible headaches. She is also taking 2 antibiotics. The worst seems to have passed and we are hopeful but still praying.

She is being well taken care of by my dad and brother (who is a nurse).
Great news. This brings hope to many of us over 60 yrs old!
Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes. Mom is home today and finally showing a little improvement. She is on the anti- malaria drug which is giving her terrible headaches. She is also taking 2 antibiotics. The worst seems to have passed and we are hopeful but still praying.

She is being well taken care of by my dad and brother (who is a nurse).

So happy to hear she is doing better !
Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes. Mom is home today and finally showing a little improvement. She is on the anti- malaria drug which is giving her terrible headaches. She is also taking 2 antibiotics. The worst seems to have passed and we are hopeful but still praying.

She is being well taken care of by my dad and brother (who is a nurse).

Delighted to hear that. Sounds like she did not need to go on a ventilator. Also interesting to hear they are using hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine successfully.
Very encouraging news! I am surprised they have her on the anti-malarial drug. I didn't know anyone was actually being prescribed that outside of trials.

Was your mother ever on oxygen? Other than starting her on the meds you mentioned, did they do anything else for her in the hospital? Was she have breathing problems? Fever?
Very encouraging news! I am surprised they have her on the anti-malarial drug. I didn't know anyone was actually being prescribed that outside of trials.

Was your mother ever on oxygen? Other than starting her on the meds you mentioned, did they do anything else for her in the hospital? Was she have breathing problems? Fever?
Mom lives in Mississippi and they approved the malaria drug and the zpack as treatment last week. I don't think she got oxygen in the hospital. We didn't get very good information and she was too sick to even tell us when they started her on the antibiotics.

She still has a fever- it's been 10 days since she developed it. She was short of breath.
Mom lives in Mississippi and they approved the malaria drug and the zpack as treatment last week. I don't think she got oxygen in the hospital. We didn't get very good information and she was too sick to even tell us when they started her on the antibiotics.

She still has a fever- it's been 10 days since she developed it. She was short of breath.

Headaches are a known (possible) side effect of both Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine. It (headaches) are also a common symptom of COVID-19.
Thanks for all the kind thoughts and wishes. Mom is home today and finally showing a little improvement. She is on the anti- malaria drug which is giving her terrible headaches. She is also taking 2 antibiotics. The worst seems to have passed and we are hopeful but still praying.

She is being well taken care of by my dad and brother (who is a nurse).

Glad to hear the good news!!! :dance::dance::dance:
We were out in the front yard, and my 72 yo neighbor stopped by today (again) after his daily trip to Publix. He's a strange guy (definitely a FL man), both physically and mentally unhealthy, but overall a nice guy. But he just doesn't understand viscerally what's going on. He obviously hasn't bathed in days, he goes to the store on his little scooter thing every day at least once, and he stops by to talk and I have to physically stop him from walking right up to us. A rake makes for a decent 6' boundary. I mean, he's damn scary in this situation. We call him Typhoid Larry. If he doesn't catch it I'll have to reconsider my concerns about the contagiousness of it.

So he mentions that he's not feeling good today, and wanted to pick up some cold and flu medicine, but there's none available. DW tells him he shouldn't be going to the store if he's not feeling good, but he says it's probably just allergies. He just doesn't get it that he can catch it, and he really doesn't seem to understand or care that he could easily be spreading it. He's so used to the government taking care of everything for him he's not adjusting to the change. He's not understanding that he has to take some responsibility with his actions.

And he's just one person. I suspect there are millions of the same type of personalities out there. I don't think I'm overly paranoid, but we are being cautious. We really don't want to catch this. But every time we see him it makes me want to build a moat and hide under my blankets.
That's my sister. She's insisting on inviting 20 of the extended family over before Easter. There was nothing I could say that would convince her this was risky. After: "We're all family." :facepalm::facepalm:

My neighbor was telling DW (from across the street) that she couldn't understand why everyone of her extended family turned down her Easter dinner invitation.:facepalm::facepalm:
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it makes me want to build a moat and hide under my blankets.

Desperate times and desperate measures....an' all that:

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Not sure if I had it or not.

5 days after travel back from Hawaii;
dry cough
Head ache
Runny nose
No Fever
No Breathing issues
On Day 6 had chills at night and woke up as if everything passed
Day 7-9 lingering very slight cough, slight congestion no other symptoms

Told not eligible for testing since don't meet criteria, but appear to be 90+ better
He just sounds not very bright. Plenty of people aren't. At this point I wouldn't even talk to him. Why bother being friendly, if he's putting you in danger?

He's so used to the government taking care of everything for him he's not adjusting to the change. He's not understanding that he has to take some responsibility with his actions.
At this point, the virus is an excuse to just wave as I jog by, instead of stopping to chat with the overly friendly mid-70's guy who always has to comment on my hair, and tell me that the (presumed, but wrong) ethnicity of my locks doesn't go with my name.

We had a good chat the first time we met, but ever after, he seems fixated on my hair. It's creepy.
Not sure if I had it or not.

5 days after travel back from Hawaii;
dry cough
Head ache
Runny nose
No Fever
No Breathing issues
On Day 6 had chills at night and woke up as if everything passed
Day 7-9 lingering very slight cough, slight congestion no other symptoms

Told not eligible for testing since don't meet criteria, but appear to be 90+ better

Good to hear. This can be an example of a regular flu type situation.
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