Health Related Forums?


Recycles dryer sheets
Jun 8, 2014
I enjoy the overall forum here and have learned a lot - but want to do some deep dives on some health related issues.

Do any of you know of a similarly styled forum for health topics? I seem to remember stumbling onto one some years ago, that was organized by condition/illness, etc.

Can no longer find it.

Would be most appreciated. Thanks
It looked like that one...not sure....I checked that one, not very active. Oh well...will keep on keeping on - thank you
I remember one called "patients like me", or something like that. I have poked around in the past, but never found one with many "repeat customers". It might be interesting to see some other site suggestions.
I have found if you just type in what you're looking for and add "forum" you usually get good hits. Like "rotator cuff surgery forum".
I can see how such forums might be useful, but I'm not sure I'd want to spend much time in them as I seem to feel symptoms when I hear of them and think "Yeah, that's what I've got!"

But if you find that you have a disease or condition, reading up on management may well be a good use of such forums.

The health stuff that has actually happened to me like heart disease and cancer really sneaked up on me. I don't think health forums would have alerted me since symptoms I had were vague at best and mostly non-existent. The stuff I thought I "had" turned out to be nothing. YMMV.
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