hearing aids

............It just astounds me that you can buy a 50" 4K HDTV with a remote control for $399 but a set of hearing aids that has less technology than what's inside the TV's remote cost $5,000!
This is a really good point. The industry is a spider in the web business where they don't have that many customers but they really soak the ones they have.
Keep in mind we are talking American prices. Europeans play a lot less.

What is a lot less?
Why do Europeans pay less?

My point with the price comparison between the TV and the hearing aid is to show that there is more than just market forces at work here. There is something else going on. It will be interesting to see what happens to the hearing aid market as all the baby boomers age and a good portion need to get hearing aids. There is no economic reason that $5 worth of technology should cost $5,000. They can charge that much because there is no alternative. I suspect price collusion and I can't believe there hasn't been a government investigation.
This is a really good point. The industry is a spider in the web business where they don't have that many customers but they really soak the ones they have.

I wouldn't say there aren't that many customers. I'd guess there are at least 10 million, and there will be more as baby boomers age.
Bose just got approved by the FDA to market over the counter hearing aids. I imagine the old-line audiology industry is getting nervous. As well they should. I have always been frustrated in this new world of high tech that my hearing is still good enough to enjoy music through $20 ear buds, but my $6500 hearing aids make the world sound like am radio.

I've had my current pair for six years, though, so at least they amortized out well. :)
Bose link:


"Dubbed the*Bose*Hearing Aid,*it’s designed to let people with audio impairments fit, program and control the hearing aid without the help or assistance of a healthcare provider. The hearing aid uses air conduction to capture sound vibrations through the microphone. From there, the device processes the signal, amplifies it and then plays it back through an earphone inside the ear canal. Through a mobile app, people can adjust the hearing aid."
"depending on state laws, people may be required to purchase the device through a licensed hearing aid dispenser"

another reason hearing aids cost more than $100 each...

light the torches and dust off the pitch forks
Costco. I have been seeing audiologists since college and recently had to make the leap to fully digital aids. Every audiologist I visited wanted $6-7k for the pair. Then I ran into the hearing center at Costco and wow! $2,600 for a pair of the new Resounds (exact same hearing aid as the private paractice audiologists were offering, just different model number to protect the manufacturer’s private audiologist channel and meet Costco specs). I left thinking this is one of the screwed up things about health care in the USA - complete and blatant gouging of innocent consumers. And btw, if you want to knock your dads socks off, buy him the accomanying Resound Bluetooth TV streamer ($300) for Christmas. You won’t hear a peep from him because he will be listening to the TV in amazement ignoring all you barking kids.
Do any of the Costco HA's have any tinnitus features available.
We don't have a store nearby but I would travel to save some money. Just wondering what they have to offer.

Costco. I have been seeing audiologists since college and recently had to make the leap to fully digital aids. Every audiologist I visited wanted $6-7k for the pair.

I got hearing aids from an audiologist. Cost $2400 after my insurance contribution. Costco does not have an exact equivalent but the closest thing they have was $2200, but Costco does not take my insurance. The audiologist has been here for 20 years. Everyone knows him by name. He is part of the community. Costco, is well, a box store that sells hearing aids. Yes, I paid more but not that much more and I like the personal touch of a small business. He has been a huge help in getting comfortable, custom made ear buds for my aids.
Do any of the Costco HA's have any tinnitus features available.
We don't have a store nearby but I would travel to save some money. Just wondering what they have to offer.

The Resound's I bought at Costco have a tinnitus feature but, even though I have tinnitus, I didn't activate it. It uses nature sounds or something to mask the ringing. Even though my tinnitus is pretty loud, I don't notice it until someone mentions it or the room is very quiet so I don't feel the need. Of course, your mention has me ringing like mad right now. :)
The Resound's I bought at Costco have a tinnitus feature but, even though I have tinnitus, I didn't activate it. It uses nature sounds or something to mask the ringing. Even though my tinnitus is pretty loud, I don't notice it until someone mentions it or the room is very quiet so I don't feel the need. Of course, your mention has me ringing like mad right now. :)
Sorry bout that! [emoji16] Well,I used to have noise I could ignore but latly I am having trouble with that.

Thanks for the info.
My dad got hearing aids at Costco. Great service, price, quality and replacement policy. Truly. He had been paying about $7K a pair prior to me hearing about Costco hearing aids on this forum. I believe the Costco ones are about $1500-1600 a pair. He has to join Costco, but that's a nominal annual fee, especially compared to the major cost savings of the Costco brand of hearing aids.
I got hearing aids from an audiologist. Cost $2400 after my insurance contribution. Costco does not have an exact equivalent but the closest thing they have was $2200, but Costco does not take my insurance. The audiologist has been here for 20 years. Everyone knows him by name. He is part of the community. Costco, is well, a box store that sells hearing aids. Yes, I paid more but not that much more and I like the personal touch of a small business. He has been a huge help in getting comfortable, custom made ear buds for my aids.
TwobyFour has a point and is correct about the custom and tailored service you get from a professional audiologist. I experienced that for years and years. But at the end of the day, I could not afford that any longer. Throw in free batteries, free unlimited adjustments, 6 month full refund, and 2% cash back (have to buy the more expensive Costco membership I realize). Costco was less than half what my Audiologist of 20 years wanted. I’m willing to stand in line in the middle of a Costco (noise) to save $3000 or more. Plus you get to walk around and try free samples as you are tuning your new aids! Haha. Again, healthcare in America is way over priced.
TwobyFour has a point and is correct about the custom and tailored service you get from a professional audiologist. I experienced that for years and years..
I too went to an audiologist for years and liked the tailored service. I switched to Costco because my research showed it was a much better deal and the convenience was good since I shop there regularly. What surprised me was that the service was just as tailored as my audiologist and the hearing tests mirrored the audiologist precisely. Costco hearing technicians are not audiologists so if you have unusual hearing problems it may make sense to get tested by the audiologist and ask for recommendations about appropriate aids. If the devices are significantly more costly go to Costco. By the way, I don’t know if audiologists get commissions or other income from manufacturers but if they do that sounds like the same conflict of interests that cause us FIRE types to avoid commission based FAs.
The US Army exposed me to many explosions over the years so the VA authorized me two HAs that have served me well over the last 4-5 years. I do not use them daily, but when I do they are great. The VA also provides me with batteries at no cost. I think that the VA also provides free maintenance and repair if needed. I think the audiologist said that the cost of the HAs was around $9K, but that seems high to me.
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