Help me Glue my Nuts Together

I got a supplement at CVS yesterday that has a flip top, looks good. It was COQ10, so I guess I'll have to try it.

Sounds great.

As an aside, CoQ10 is very good for you. Our levels peak at about age 20 and we are mostly deficient by age 40. It works at the mitochondrial level and is good for many things -- heart, gums, blood pressure reduction, migraines, possibly cancer prevention, etc.

My sister was able to reverse a severe case of periodontal disease (her dentist was recommending extracting all her teeth!) using CoQ10.

We'll see. I'm measuring my blood pressure each morning after getting up, and I'll see if there are any changes as I go through the 80 pills (one per day). So far, no effect at all.
We'll see. I'm measuring my blood pressure each morning after getting up, and I'll see if there are any changes as I go through the 80 pills (one per day). So far, no effect at all.


How many mg are you taking? Daily dosage needs to be in the 150 mg -300 mg range.


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