Helping Very Low Income Young Adult

Many thanks for the update. I think your efforts were beneficial.

You don't know how much of your discussion will hide away in Sheila's brain and be there for her to draw upon in the future.

You also helped your own family by your efforts--your kids have a role model in you about caring for other people and putting yourself out there even if it seems unsuccessful, and think how much it will mean to you if you see your kids reaching out to others.

This is more frequently on my mind, and I make an effort to involve my children to set the example and teach them.
Watched my sister's family take in a abandoned classmate so she could finish high school. Parents divorced and left town.

I filed it under "no good deed goes un-punished". The girls shared a room. And as a result of many late nights ... sneaking in too many BF, both barely graduated. College is not in either of thier futures.

Could things have different ? Maybe, maybe not.
One of the issues with giving young adults advice is whether they can tell good advice from bad advice. When I was in my twenties I received advice from many older family members and close friends of the family. All were well meaning. Only now, many years later do I realize how many of them are truly terrible with money and really had no clue themselves.

She may also be getting a lot of opinions and be having a hard time deciding between what is easier right now and what is better for the long term. I'm glad my wife and I chose early on to follow our instincts and ignore what people tell you. We may have made a few mistakes along the way, but that is how you learn. And we have ended up very secure with our slow, consistent saving and investing and notably non-flashy lifestyle, while still being able to give our kids anything we felt appropriate.
Thanks all for the kind words regarding my update. I appreciate all the advice here as it helped expand on and clarify what I had floating around in my head.

I was on vacation for a few days and decided stay off the Internet this time so I just got back to catch up here. Our kids seem to get what I am telling Sheila and they are okay with it. Our door is open but help from us does come with strings - a LBYMs path leading to short term financial self sufficiency. If she works things out on her own or with the parents or BF, all the better. If not, we can be plan B.

Litgal - I am not going to make a point by point reply but if you read my initial and follow up posts your comments may address the issue in general with going to college in California, but most do not apply to Sheila's particular situation or issues.
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