HGVC phone calls


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 13, 2011
NC Triangle
I did a search on ER but didn't find what I was after, hence this thread.

I still maintain a landline phone in IL and am back in that state for a little while, after which that number will disappear completely so this won't matter to me then.

In the meantime, I've gotten (for a while now) repeated calls identified as "HGVC" that I've never answered. But they persist.

A broader Web search found that these come from "Hilton Grand Vacation Club" and suggestions that my number may have been gotten through the HHonors hotel program (I was in that due to staying at a few Hilton-owned hotels while working and joined voluntarily).

There were also some posts saying they were some sort of timeshare rental outfit.

All I care about is getting those calls to stop, and there were some suggestions for contacts on how to do that. I'm wary of calling HGVC back although they obviously have my number ("You Know My Name, Look Up The Number" - a side trivia q for the cool cats).

Anyone successfully wrestled them to the ground for good? What worked?
I decided to call the HHonors program (1-800-446-6677), not the number identified on my caller ID. The woman I was directed to said, yes that's a vacation program partner and said she would remove my number from the list. She said it would take about two weeks to happen.

Maybe this thread and title can help someone else here stop these annoying calls to them in the future.
Thanks, steelyman. Nice to know that some companies actually listen to requests to stop annoying phone calls!
Thanks, steelyman. Nice to know that some companies actually listen to requests to stop annoying phone calls!

Yes it is. I tried the opposite with Rachel from cardholder services last week. I've always punched 2 to be removed from the calling list, only to be called next month.

This time I indicated I wanted to talk with a live human to say yes to their offer. As soon as I asked how to get on their no call list, they had hung up. Maybe I'll get a different result. I'll see in another month.

If that doesn't work maybe I'll become a lonely person that just wants to spend their time talking.
This time I indicated I wanted to talk with a live human to say yes to their offer. As soon as I asked how to get on their no call list, they had hung up. Maybe I'll get a different result. I'll see in another month. ............

Same experience. The only way I got rid of Rachael was to block the half dozen numbers she uses.
I seem to have ditched my girlfriend Conradette HGVC. A whole weekend with no calls!

I think she found another fella.
I wish I could get my old college to quit calling me asking for donations. Those people are hounds and can track you down even if you change your name and move to the Congo. :LOL:
I wish I could get my old college to quit calling me asking for donations. Those people are hounds and can track you down even if you change your name and move to the Congo. :LOL:

You sure have company there. I've been following the threads that discuss VOIP plans and their features. Not for here, but with a clean slate in a new state. Caller ID and blocking are important to me.

At least my old school doesn't do it often. Conradette was doing it multiple times a day and was getting close to doing those drunk 3am calls!
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You sure have company there. I've been following the threads that discuss VOIP plans and their features. Not for here, but with a clean slate in a new state. Caller ID and blocking are important to me.


Another feature to look for - outgoing Caller-ID. Some VOIP will transmit your CID, others do not.

But if the people you call have your # in their menu, that usually shows up on their phone in place of caller ID.

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