Hotel Key Card to Turn on Lights, Why?

Interestingly. I was in one of my regular hotels last week. The key card power system had been updated and would only work with a current card that would open the door. Those accountants are getting smarter.

Yes, until recently I used to put my library card in there if I wanted the AC to stay on (at a reasonable setting) while I was out. Recently, that hasn't worked in some; they require an actual key.

Given that this kind of key reader must cost $100 and installation another $100, people must waste a lot of energy for this to be cost-effective.
Have experienced it plenty while traveling & makes perfect sense to me... who hasn't been chastised by parents (or the utility bill payer) for leaving the lights on? :)
Have experienced it plenty while traveling & makes perfect sense to me... who hasn't been chastised by parents (or the utility bill payer) for leaving the lights on? :)

Pretty soon the utility company (or whomever) will be telling us to do the same at home. Do you have a "smart" meter yet?
1. Never,ever, never stay at this hotel again...besides the lights going off so does the AC as someone else said.
But after years of travel I have a iron clad rule never broken... Next to my bed before lights off I put my cell, car keys and room keys to grab in event of a emergency.

Something goes bump in the night and your evacuated from your room to the lobby or outside to wait. If it's cold you can wait in the car, room key to get back into room at all clear and cell to call to fire department if no one has called.

But don't try calling the local 911 on Disney'll be told to call the front desk who will assure you that all is well. I don't stay at Disney properties for that reason.
Interesting range of opinions about...indirectly...climate change and our responsibilities to the next generation. One thing no one commented on: I never leave a charging phone, laptop, or iPad unattended. It's not unknown for batteries to overheat and catch fire! I prefer to be there if it happens.


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