How do you lose weight/maintain good weight?

Most people who have more than a little weight to lose will have a higher likelihood of success, if they use some form of tracking -- not necessarily explicit calorie counting -- to monitor what they eat and to keep treat foods in check. That's only a small part of the picture, though.

I think you are right. I fell out of that habit and put on weight. I used to think I could eat all I wanted, which was true, but what I wanted was usually soups and salads. I remember people at my first job laughing because I was thin but used to bring my lunch in a grocery bag, not a lunch sack like everyone else, because I filled it with a lot of low cal but high volume produce.
I used to eat a huge amount of salad. My salad plate was big enough for a family, and people asked if I were a rabbit.

Something changed inside me, and my digestive system can no longer handle such a huge amount of fiber. So, I have scaled way back on vegetable.
I exercise 7 days a week. Not as excessively as I used to do but I do something every day. I do some ab exercises, of varying type, just about every day also to keep the love handles down.

I don't overeat and I almost always, except special occasions, skip desert.

It's all habitual and not very difficult.
I exercise 5 days a week and work in my yard/do housework the other two days of the week. I started by buying a copy of "Turbo Jam" off eBay for $9 and doing the workouts in my living room. Just follow the schedule and you'll do fine (although I substituted the "Great Abs Guaranteed" bonus workout for "Turbo Jam" Ab Jam workout because Ab Jam didn't work.) Then, I got into doing taekwondo and became so good at it that I'm now an instructor. These days, I lead taekwondo classes three nights a week and do "Turbo Jam" the other two nights of my exercise schedule. If you really want to motivate yourself to exercise and lose weight, find a way to get paid for it, like I did. Nothing is more motivating than cold hard cash. I lost over 30 lbs and now I have an athletic build.

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I do some ab exercises, of varying type, just about every day also to keep the love handles down.

You cannot exercise one portion of your body thinking that you can reduce fat on that particular part of your body. When you exercise you will lose fat for all over, although that may not seem obvious.
I've had good results with paleo type eating. Mostly veggies (except few potatoes and other starchy ones), meat, eggs, some fruit and nuts. Little to no grains of any kind. I'm at my high school weight of 165 (6'1") and feel better than I have in decades.
I got a heart rate/activity tracker, whose application also lets me record The application also lets me record food, and has a large pre-built database of what others have already entered. The two together showed me how much activity (or lack thereof) I had in a day, along with the number of calories (and types) I was consuming.

I now strive for a least an hour of "high" activity daily (gym, brisk walk, pushing lawn mover, etc.) I also cut back on "empty" carb calories (e.g. found ways to curb the sweet tooth) and upped the fruits, veggies, lean meats, and protein (I actually like my "protein powder + whatever I feel like putting in the blender" shakes). Almost everything else I drink is water or hot tea - I think I've drunk maybe 20 oz of soda in the last year. I wasn't real overweight (5' 10" and hitting close to 190), but in 4 months I'm down below 175 lbs, more energy, and not having a problem maintaining it. Now I seem to be eating more calories, but actually losing weight :).
While still not overweight, I did gain 10-12 pounds after retiring despite keeping same workout. Realized I was missing out on the 5 miles or so a day I walked when working and replaced it with enjoyable couch time. Bought a cheaper Brett Favre endorsement step tracker and wear it. Forces me to get my 20,000 steps in without trying to mentally cheat it away. This alone has helped rid me of the problem.

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There are 3 stages of eating;

1) I'm not hungry anymore
2) I'm full
3) I'm stuffed

If you stop somewhere between 1 & 2, you will do well. The most important exercise is "pushing away from the table"
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