How many hours of TV do you watch per day?

How many hours of TV do you watch per full day?

  • Zero hours per day

    Votes: 22 17.1%
  • 1 hour per day

    Votes: 10 7.8%
  • 2 hours per day

    Votes: 31 24.0%
  • 3 hours per day

    Votes: 21 16.3%
  • 4 hours per day

    Votes: 14 10.9%
  • 5 hours per day

    Votes: 12 9.3%
  • greater then 5 hours per day

    Votes: 16 12.4%
  • other - please describe below

    Votes: 3 2.3%

  • Total voters
I watch 2-3 hours per day. Almost exclusively YouTube videos and Netflix. The only network TV programs I watch are Blackhawks games, Bears games and Yellowstone.
1 hourish/day on average, mostly YouTube edutainment or researching this or that. When people ask me if I watch "X" I tell them I'm saving it to watch later in life when TV is the only thing I'm capable of.

I cut the cord around 1998 and only had about 1.5 year of cable over the years ("free" trials in rented apartments and the first year here because cable was provided the HOA). The few times I had cable, I rarely watched it. Mostly turn on the TV, scroll through listings, turn off TV.
The tv is on pretty much nonstop around here, but I tend to keep it on for background. For instance, right now, as I type this, "Bewitched" is playing in the background on Antenna TV. That idiot from "Lost In Space" is trying to teach Samantha how to play the piano like a mortal.
The tv is on pretty much nonstop around here, but I tend to keep it on for background. For instance, right now, as I type this, "Bewitched" is playing in the background on Antenna TV. That idiot from "Lost In Space" is trying to teach Samantha how to play the piano like a mortal.

Now that I'm FIREd, I find I listen to talk radio in the morning more than I ever have... back ground conversation and a little news. Once the political shows come on I switch to jazz or classical if I'm doing thinking stuff or country/rock/blues if I'm doing more physical tasks that the lyrics won't distract me.
I don't really know how long I "watch" TV. I have cable news on as background most of the time I am in the house. Right now Morning Joe is on while I am typing but I am not "watching." If my brain flags an interesting keyword I will look up to see what's being discussed. I am an avid reader and devote several hours daily to that pastime. I usually have TV on in the background while I read but give it little attention. In the evening, I will generally "watch" a couple of hours of series on TV or streaming when DW pulls them up.
A legal project I worked on briefly had a lot of propriety information on these times. The industry tends to group the use into traditional cable TV, streaming TV and mobile devices. Smart TVs have been the rage the last couple of years and accounts for the largest increase (not the majority, mobile devices it still king) in viewership.
DW is hooked on news, so I chose 2 hours.
We like the BBC shows so that fills the other hour easily.
Somewhere I read years ago that Americans on average watched an incredible number of hours of TV.

Please include all forms of "TV" like: internet video, streaming, cable, over the air, etc.

Oh, that sure changes things! I probably only watch 1 or 2 hours a day. if that. I try to catch NCIS, Young Sheldon and sometime United States of Al, and maybe ABC news.
But if you mix in Youtube videos then It may jump to 4 hours a day plus the 1 or 2 of TV.
On a typical day we get up around 6 to 7 am, have some coffee to get the cobwebs out, walk the dog for a few miles. Then I'll turn on the local classical music radio station(WCRB Boston) and listen to that all day as pleasant background music. Finally we'll turn the tv on around 7 pm for a few hours to watch British mysteries. I'll also surf you tube for DIY videos or nature videos ( and what other interesting videos pop up.
I answered 2 hours, though it's not that much. Not counting live sports events, about 1.5 hours per day. That is two one-hour TV shows on a streaming service without commercials = 2 x 45 minutes each.

Does watching TV while exercising count? If so, add another 25 minutes four days a week. I watch old Johnny Carson The Tonight shows on Peacock. I usually get through the monologue, the after monologue comedy bit, and see the first guest get introduced.
The TV is on around 3-4 hours in the evening and longer on weekends.

My DS (age 23) doesn't watch any TV. But, my guess is he's watching something on his phone or computer more hours than we watch TV.

To me anyway, I don't think there's any difference (good or bad) between watching TV, surfing the net, playing video games, reading books or watching YouTube on your laptop. All are forms of entertainment.
To me anyway, I don't think there's any difference (good or bad) between watching TV, surfing the net, playing video games, reading books or watching YouTube on your laptop. All are forms of entertainment.

I agree that there is no reason to put a good or bad label on these forms of entertainment. Perhaps more active participation might develop skills in the participant. For instance, online chess develops some skills but it is unclear whether this is transferable to other aspects of one's life. Watching some TV could help with understanding where some parts of society are heading and could promote some social skills (or be a negative influence).

There are people I have played in online chess who have played thousands of games. Might be taking over their lives a little too much but I cannot say how much is too much.
I turned it off at 9 am, after "Leave it to Beaver" went off. Wasn't in the mood for "Perry Mason", and "Father Knows Best" was a repeat :p
Some days none, some days several. Most days the news is on for a while, frequently I will watch Food Network and the oldies channel. Sometimes it is on while I read or do other things "background noise".
So, my answer is "It depends!"
We tend to (actively) watch two TV shows in the evenings, most days. The TV is usually on while we're cooking/preparing dinner, but it's just a bit of background that we listen to more than watch. Then we watch a show while we're eating and then one more after dinner. Almost never exceeds about 2½ hours. We never turn the TV on before dinner, even on the weekends.

I don't think there's any difference (good or bad) between watching TV, surfing the net, playing video games, reading books or watching YouTube on your laptop. All are forms of entertainment.

I agree, but only from the standpoint of simple "entertainment". Certain activities people do for entertainment are, indeed, bad for their mental or emotional health, like spending hours per day glued to social media feeds (I'm looking at you, FB and TW and IG).
Basically, zero hours. Sometimes dw turns it on but I try to ignore it.
Zero for me. I cancelled cable years ago. I own a small TV but haven't watched it in at least 3-4 years.
The question should be "How many hours are you on your computer daily."

I often have my laptop and television up and running at the same time. I also often take a quick look at the computer a few times daily--news, social media, etc. to stay informed.

Many people never turn off their social media.
The question should be "How many hours are you on your computer daily."

I often have my laptop and television up and running at the same time. I also often take a quick look at the computer a few times daily--news, social media, etc. to stay informed.

Many people never turn off their social media.

I wanted to focus this on video viewing which includes the usual TV, streaming and also YouTube and such.

Reading stuff on the computer and playing online games are a different form of entertainment. They would generally be more actively engaging. Not to say passive viewing is a problem.
I put in 2 hrs/day, but I also watch a fair amount of YouTube videos on my iPad. Mostly art techniques and maker videos, but also videos on exercise and some misc. That would add another 1-2 hours/day.
The question should be "How many hours are you on your computer daily."

I often have my laptop and television up and running at the same time. I also often take a quick look at the computer a few times daily--news, social media, etc. to stay informed.

Many people never turn off their social media.

Yeah, more than 5 hours easily. Anyway I want to get the max out my ridiculous Comcast bill. Even if I'm not watching it, the TV is on Bloomberg or Weather Channel etc,
We have the TV on for about 5 hours in the evening, but I am on the computer (like right now) or reading mostly when it's on.
Depends on which one you talk to in our house. DW can’t go one day without turning the !@&$ thing on. When I am home I mostly watch programs on YouTube, read or listen to music…
Three or so hours a day. We turn it on at 8pm and watch TV during or after dinner. Generally either HGTV, History or Netflix. Occasional network shows, but they are few and far between. The latest it stays on is 11:30 pm.
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