How much coffee do you drink?

1 and 1/2 cups of costco starbucks with half and half and stevia.
One cup first thing in the morning. Too lazy to make a second cup.
Usually, one 6 oz. cup in the morning. Black, no sugar. Sometimes, I forget and don't have any.
My coffee maker holds 64 oz of water, and I go through at least ¾ of that most mornings, sometimes all of it. Very strong coffee (beans ground fresh for each cup).

Like some others, I can't really drink it after about noon or I have trouble getting to sleep. Seems strange to me, since when I lived in Brazil it was customary to finish a meal with one or two extremely strong coffees, and that could be midnight or later. Never any sleep issues, so I've always wondered how that could be.
I set the programmable drip maker to have a half pot brewed and waiting in the morning. Whether I drink it all is unknown. None after noon. The cups I drink have light cream and stevia. It all is one of those little retirement luxuries to me.
Zero. Diet Coke is my caffeinated beverage of choice. And tea before bed.
I used to drink an 8 cup pot of coffee a day. After a bad cold in January where I did not drink coffee for more than a week, I switched to my 4 cup coffee maker which I measured to be about 20 oz. A "cup" of coffee is less than 8 oz. and I have seen it defined in different places as 4, 5, and 6 oz. but my Mr. Coffee uses 5 oz. I feel less jittery now but some days I want more coffee. Other days I get busy and do not drink the entire pot but usually feel extra tired by late afternoon.
As a result of a heart issue I avoid all caffeine. Never really a coffee drinker, but now also avoid sodas.
Morning: 1-1/2 to 2 cups
Mid-morning: 1-1/2 to 2 cups
Afternoon: 1 cup

All with a large hit of milk.

It averages out to about 1/2 or 3/4 cup a day. Every other day I try to go without coffee or tea for the sake of my teeth.

I've been considering the effect of coffee on my enamel as well and have been trying to mitigate that somewhat by rinsing with water and baking soda afterwards. Gets rid of coffee mouth at least.
I used to drink 2/day, but cut back to 1/day several years ago.
I drink about 1 large mug (around 30 oz) in the morning. If I drink coffee after about noon it affects my sleep so I almost never have coffee any other times of the day.
Two mugs in the morning, one mug after lunch and one mug after dinner. Doesn't keep me awake at night. French press, milk - not too light - and two teaspoons of sugar. Love the stuff.
About 2 big mugs or 3 ordinary cups a day.

Coffee is reputed to be good for the old prostrate gland. It is loaded with phyto-chemicals that fight inflammation and oxidation. I like it and it doesn't interfere with my sleep unless I drink a few cups close to bed time.
I would drink coffee at work when it was cold because it was easy and available. Now, I only drink tea and not too much of that. Maybe a couple cups a week.
Never drank a cup of coffee in my 55 years. I like the smell, but not the taste (i've tried many).
Typically two cups, black, in the morning. Rarely any after noon, but if I do there might be some Bailey’s Irish Cream finding its way into it.
2 cups regular coffee in the morning. 2 to 5 cups decaf later in the day.
Regular coffee has never affected my sleep, but I switch to decaf only because I've read that too much caffeine can be unhealthy.
I drink two mugs worth of coffee from my mini Mr Coffee machine. Counting their 6 oz cups, it counts as 4, but it fills two 12 oz coffee mugs which I drink every morning. I have no taste for coffee at any other time of the day.
One or two cups of black coffee in the morning with breakfast as the read the paper.

Usually another cup, this time with (real) cream at 3 PM. This shuts down my afternoon food cravings.

When traveling I'll often get a coffee from a cafe (usually Starbucks, but other places too).

And when we go out for dinner, I almost always get an after dinner coffee. Never affects my sleeping.
1 12 oz cup of de-caf per day. Maybe some days I would have 2. Black. No additions.

I dumped caffeine several years back. I know de-caf has a little left after the process, but it doesn't give me any spikes or the dips that come later.

I have a Keurig Mini that holds no water. I fill my mug, dump it in and push the button and all the water comes out as coffee.

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