What is the best way to prevent those pesky adware and spyware programs from latching on to the Internet Explorer Home Page and from popping up all the time?
Start w/ a clean install of the operating system if possible.
The key to avoiding adware/spyware is to be very careful what you install. Choose your software applications very carefully. Do a little research on every program that you install, making sure the company doesn't use adware.
Next comes your browser. I'm very satisfied with Mozilla's FireFox (
www.mozilla.org). If you use Internet Explorer (IE), check your privacy and security settings. Make sure they are both set to MEDIUM, at a minimum, preferably HIGH. Most importantly, make sure that IE is set to PROMPT or DISABLE when downloading Active-X controls.
Next, make sure you have a good Anti-Virus program and a Firewall running on your computer. I use Norton Internet Security which includes both and an Anti-Spam option.
If you are connected to the internet over a broadband (CABLE/DSL) connection, you MUST HAVE A FIREWALL. If you're using a Router/Switch/Wireless Access Point, it probably already has a Firewall built in (my D-Link does). Make sure that it's configured properly. If you don't have one, go buy one. They are inexpensive, easy to install, and very convenient.
In addition, set up a firewall on each computer. You can use Nortion, or a free firewall called ZoneAlarm. If you need to network computers at home, set the firewall to allow connections from that specific computer only.
Next, watch your web surfing. Don't download programs off the internet that you haven't researched and found are free of adware. Watch out for those pop-ups that say some enticing message, and prompt with a YES/NO option, Always select NO, unless you're absolutely sure it's OK.
Next, comes email. If possible, use an email provider that has a good spam filter. I use Yahoo and am very impressed with their ability to filter SPAM. Never open email attachments without first scanning them for viruses.
Finally, update the 'virus definitions' in your anti-virus program regularly (like once a week). Scan for viruses regularly. Scan with SpyBot once a month.
Good luck.