I Honestly Knew That Life Was Going Too Smoothly


Full time employment: Posting here.
Oct 19, 2014
Just got back from the doctor's office- wife was diagnosed with cancer. She is devastated and I am in shock
So sorry to hear the news. Your ER family wishes her all the best and hope and pray that better days are coming in the future.
That's tough to hear, but get some more tests and cancer experts to fully understand what you and wife are dealing with. Lot of good medical advances, so stay positive.
Having lost a wife and a number of friends to cancer, (and having a prostate biopsy scheduled for next month myself), this is what we all dread hearing.

I feel so bad for you - hope your lady can beat it. Good luck, and best wishes.
So sorry to hear that. As a 6 year cancer survivor, I remember how that felt. Hopefully the game plan for her treatment will begin soon. That gave me and DH something tangible to focus on and allowed us to feel like we regained some control in our lives. You both are in my thoughts.
So sorry about that diagnosis. I strongly urge you to seek out a specialist for the particular cancer your wife has. Cause for hope is that a cancer diagnosis, while of course scary, is not an automatic death sentence. I should know - I'm a survivor of 2 different cancers.
I was an emotional wreck with my first (leukemia) diagnosis. It took a while but I learned how to emotionally deal with it. That diagnosis, by the way, was more than 12 years ago. Feel free to PM me if you wish.
I'm so sorry... Even though we may handle a cancer diagnosis differently, I can relate because my husband was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago. I felt so helpless.

The members on this forum helped me keep my head above water and I will always be grateful.

Feel free to PM me if you feel the need.
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Keep us posted, please. Hang in there and best wishes.
My prayers are with you. Treatments keep improving and hopefully she has one that can be easily treated.
DW is a survivor of ovarian and uterine cancer, both of which occurred simultaneously. The surgery was on her birthday in 2004. This year will be the fifteenth “birthday” since her surgery, which was followed by chemo and radiation treatments. She beat the odds, but we are vigilant in our watch for any return. May God Bless your wife and you during this time. There is hope.
Don't give up hope. The oncology people we have met are the most caring, gentle & understanding caregivers I have ever seen. They have been wonderful for us. One oncology nurse was very helpful on Mrs Scrapr's first night on the ward. I mean almost lifesaving. She gave us some hope.

In our system (Kaiser) we get lots of stuff that the regular system won't let you have. Drugs that might be doled out a few at a time are dosed by the 40 or 50. Our calls & messages are returned quickly. We have an oncology advice nurse.

It's a gut punch for sure. We saw a C counselor on the first round. Going back next week for more

Mrs Scrapr has the greatest attitude. It has helped her receive some good care
I am sorry for what you and your wife are going through. I remember feeling a range of emotions, shocked, scared, disbelief, sucker-punched, as well as feeling numb and like I was in a surreal world.

You actually both need support; and it will be hard on you having to be the brave one. Give your wife lots of gentle hugs, and you can't say I love you too often.

While each situation is unique, a lot of people on this forum have dealt with cancer involving themselves or family members. Please feel free to reach out.
It definitely is scary. My husband survived his cancer and is fine. Best wishes for a complete recovery.
My wife is a 25+ year cancer survivor. Believe in the process. Fight, fight, fight.
Best wishes to your DW. I hope her treatment is successful and she tolerates it well.

I started down this path last September and it's really much more difficult than I ever expected with treatments and side effects that don't go away.
I am so glad she has you to lean on and be with her through this very difficult time. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
I am sorry to hear that. It is very difficult to take care of a loved one who is fighting cancer. So, ready yourself.
So sorry to hear this, but as others have said, many people beat cancer. I hope DW will be one of them. Great to have so many on this forum who have offered support. Take care of yourself and DW as you go through this difficult time.
Just got back from the doctor's office- wife was diagnosed with cancer. She is devastated and I am in shock

Sorry to hear that.

Medicine has come a long way in recent years. And many cancers can be treated far more effectively than in the past.

I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago. I had a year of infusion treatments. I am now cancer free.

Once you get over your shock you'll be able to dig in and learn what you can do. Good luck!
There have been many advancements in treatments. Wishing a successful outcome for your DW and fortitude for you both as you face this challenge.
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As others have said, diagnosis and treatment have come a long way in recent years. I know numerous long-term survivors, both friends and family members. Prayers for healing for all...

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