I Honestly Knew That Life Was Going Too Smoothly


Three years ago I was told the hormone-suppressant side effects would lessen in time. They have indeed - still there, but no where near what they were.

Wishing you both many, many more healthy, happy years
An update:
My wife is doing very well physically.......emotionally, she is still a bit rocked. In my opinion she is handling the whole thing like a super hero. She is halfway through her radiation treatments, about three weeks left.
The hormone suppression meds are probably the worst for her; she got "neutral dropped" into menopause; hot flashes, sleep disruption, etc.
When she finishes her treatments on July 3rd, we leave for Puerto Vallarta on the 5th, where she can sleep and recover under a palapa or palm tree.

Thanks for the update. I think the trip will be good for your souls - I hope your wife has a relaxing and healing time. :flowers:

Don't be surprised if it takes some time for her to process all the emotions related to the cancer diagnosis and treatment. During treatment it's common to put one foot in front of the other and "do what you gotta do" and this can take all of your energy. The processing of emotions can come later - that was certainly true in my case and for other folks I know.
I'm a 12 year stage 3 pancreatic cancer survivor. I had the whipple cancer surgery to remove the tumor as well as simultaneous chemo and radiation.
I found the three F's to be the most important to my recovery. Faith, Family and Friends.

I offer prayers for your continued recovery.
An update:
My wife is doing very well physically.......emotionally, she is still a bit rocked. In my opinion she is handling the whole thing like a super hero. She is halfway through her radiation treatments, about three weeks left.
The hormone suppression meds are probably the worst for her; she got "neutral dropped" into menopause; hot flashes, sleep disruption, etc.
When she finishes her treatments on July 3rd, we leave for Puerto Vallarta on the 5th, where she can sleep and recover under a palapa or palm tree.
Here's to a restful vacation and recovery.
Thanks for the update and glad to hear treatment is going well. Enjoy your trip to PV! I imagine this time together will be very special and relaxing after so much stress.
Erkevin, best wishes to you and your wife, and a thoroughly enjoyable vacation.

Having had similar treatment age 44 (I'm still on tamoxifen - 2 more years!), I was doing ok mentally for a while, but fell apart after a good friend told me of her advanced colon cancer. There may be events, places or times that are more difficult for your wife to process. My husband has supported me a great deal just by listening and hugging.
OP, you need to take care of yourself too. Last year my DH has a very stressful year health wise. It culminated with him almost dying during an 8 hour open heart procedure. He's a walking miracle today but the recovery was long and difficult.

Once he was back to himself I found myself with a lot of stress and anxiety issues. Even though it was in the past, I hadn't taken time to process anything personally. I just kept it all inside and didn't deal with it. I felt like a cat on a hot tin roof, constantly worrying about little stuff. Last winter was rough. But the weather improved and I was able to think about myself and what I had gone through. My DH and I are talking openly about last year and things have improved tremendously.

Don't brush what you have been through and practice some self care.
Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement (and wisdom), Today was my wife's last treatment (she is currently napping) and she is positively elated (well, before the nap she was). While she was sleeping, UPS came to the door with live Maine lobsters for our dinner celebration tonight.
Tomorrow is rest day and off to PV on Friday. Thank you- the people on this board are the best.
Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement (and wisdom), Today was my wife's last treatment (she is currently napping) and she is positively elated (well, before the nap she was). While she was sleeping, UPS came to the door with live Maine lobsters for our dinner celebration tonight.
Tomorrow is rest day and off to PV on Friday. Thank you- the people on this board are the best.

Best of luck!! :dance:
That's wonderful! So happy for you both. Hope y'all have an awesome trip.
Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement (and wisdom), Today was my wife's last treatment (she is currently napping) and she is positively elated (well, before the nap she was). While she was sleeping, UPS came to the door with live Maine lobsters for our dinner celebration tonight.
Tomorrow is rest day and off to PV on Friday. Thank you- the people on this board are the best.

Have a wonderful trip!
Have a great trip. Really great.
Thank you for the update. Have a restful, enjoyable trip!
Welcome to PV! I was here for the closing of the sale of our condo yesterday and spending tomorrow with the developer of our new one.

Warning. We need a thunderstorm to break the humidity so stick by a pool. You will have a great trip. Plan your outings for the mornings and evenings.
Welcome to PV! I was here for the closing of the sale of our condo yesterday and spending tomorrow with the developer of our new one.

Warning. We need a thunderstorm to break the humidity so stick by a pool. You will have a great trip. Plan your outings for the mornings and evenings.
That is wonderful news! Hope you enjoy your trip. Best wishes for continued good health!!

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