I wish my dog would live longer


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 8, 2007
Lot of dog people on the board - thought you might enjoy this song by some local boys:

Ditto. My fur kid is north of 10 YO. Pekes don't usually have long lives. He's my 4 legged Seoul mate. Always has one health issue or another. But, he's my best friend; no other guy gets to lick my face. :cool:
Heck, I wish I'd live longer.
My dog hit age 13 yesterday. It hit me hard but didn't phase him. Alexa sang Happy Birthday and I gave him a couple of his favorite treats.
Someone is working on it -


In this study, 24 middle-aged healthy dogs received either placebo or a non-immunosuppressive dose of rapamycin for 10 weeks. All dogs received clinical and hematological exams before, during, and after the trial and echocardiography before and after the trial. Our results showed no clinical side effects in the rapamycin-treated group compared to dogs receiving the placebo. Echocardiography suggested improvement in both diastolic and systolic age-related measures of heart function (E/A ratio, fractional shortening, and ejection fraction) in the rapamycin-treated dogs.

I have two large dogs, ages 7 and 8. The 8 year old had what amounts to ACL surgery last year and has arthritis in her hips. I look at them every day and wonder how much longer they will be with us and if I should get them a puppy now. They are my heart.
In January it will be three years since I lost my dog. I still miss him.
We had to put our Pomeranian dog to sleep last month. My heart is still broken and I miss him so much. He lived 18.5 years and was my faithful companion all through chemo. I don't think I could ever have another dog as it would always be compared to my faithful companion.
We have two, they turn 12 and 11 in a month.

The older one is starting to show his age. We'll take them for a mile walk and I carry him for half of it. He's the second Maltese we've had. We got him while his predecessor was still around. After we lost the first one, the house was too quite.

Another pup came home shortly. These two are very attached and they don't like it when one isn't in the house. I take turns bringing each to McDonald's with me once a week.

I'm reminded of a neighbor who had two dachshunds. One got sick, had to be put down. The second only made it a month without it's buddy.
My 8yr old female alpha dog would be fine being an only child/dog, but not my big boy. I would have to get him companionship. He would love baby brothers and sisters.
In January it will be three years since I lost my dog. I still miss him.

We lost our dog three years ago too. She was 16, which is pretty old for her breed. She lived a long life. She was attached to me and I miss how she was never more than five feet away at any given time. We've always had a cat or two, but it's not the same, lol. We haven't thought about getting another dog yet. I'm not sure another dog will top my sweet girl.
Each dog we have had has added something special to our lives. Sure, I would like them to live longer, but the next one gives us a new gift to appreciate. Our current fur baby, though, will likely be our last. He is my "therapy dog"--I have never had a dog that was so intuitive to the people in the house, he knows who needs doggie love and will quietly come and sit /lean next to you and give unconditional support. It will be hard when he goes over the "rainbow bridge".
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