Is the Hurry Cane Good?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 17, 2012
Did a number on my hamstring and associated tendons and stuff and cannot navigate stairs w/o support. Just had the bright idea to order a cane for those times when needed. Is the Hurry Cane any good? Pros and Cons.

I just ordered from Amazon for Monday delivery but if there's something better out there, I can cancel and reorder.

Many thanks for recommendations.
Did a number on my hamstring and associated tendons and stuff and cannot navigate stairs w/o support. Just had the bright idea to order a cane for those times when needed. Is the Hurry Cane any good? Pros and Cons.

I just ordered from Amazon for Monday delivery but if there's something better out there, I can cancel and reorder.

Many thanks for recommendations.

I never used one (or any cane), but it looks promising! I never heard anything negative about it.

Sorry to hear about your hamstring and tendons. Be careful and I hope you recover soon.
I never used one (or any cane), but it looks promising! I never heard anything negative about it.

Sorry to hear about your hamstring and tendons. Be careful and I hope you recover soon.

Thanks. I ordered it as well as another one with a vertical grip. Both adjust for height. I splurged to have one for the garage entry as well as the front door, both having 2 steps.

MRI shows minor (thank goodness) tear in tendon connecting to knee as well as ACL. Also Bakers Cyst and something else I googled that requires surgery :mad:. I stopped googling as Dr. Google is not the authority and I have an appt. Monday with the orthopedic surgeon. Not a happy camper.
My DW used one a few years ago after getting out of a week long stay in the hospital... It took her a couple of months before she was back to feeling like she could walk safely without a cane... The HC has a good range of height adjustments with small tripod rubber feet and it can stand on it's own. (Just like in the commercials)... She liked it and we have kept it "just in case" one of us needs it in the future.
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Good luck with the orthopedic surgeon.

If he expects recovery to take a long time, and if stairs are still tough even with the HurryCane, then maybe you can somehow just live on the first floor of your house until stairs get easier to navigate.

In 2019 I had a very bad fall on stairs at a restaurant due to my knee, so before my total knee replacement surgery I decided to just avoid them. Luckily my house has no stairs. After surgery I have been able to handle stairs.
Did a number on my hamstring and associated tendons and stuff and cannot navigate stairs w/o support. Just had the bright idea to order a cane for those times when needed. Is the Hurry Cane any good? Pros and Cons.

I just ordered from Amazon for Monday delivery but if there's something better out there, I can cancel and reorder.

Many thanks for recommendations.
It's great!
DW bought one right before her first TKR. Used it in recovering from both her TKRs. In fact, on her second TKR, she skipped using the rolling walker when we got home from the hospital, she just used the Hurry Cane. IIRC, there were instructions with how to use it, gait-wise, or they were online. I just picked it up and tried it using my gut feel on how to use a cane, but I was totally wrong on cane use versus the bad leg! Use it the "right way" as instructed.
It stands up by itself except on deep-pile carpeting. Having it stand by itself keeps it close at hand. It's probably the only "as seen on TV" product that lived up to its hype.
Oh, DW used it to go up and down a steep step into the parking lot at the physical therapy place, and used it for a few stair steps other places. But I think if one was faced with a long flight of concrete steps, get to learn your capabilities and master the cane on simpler steps first!

No cons seen with it.
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I just ordered one now and it will arrive today! DW is getting a hip replacement next week so it will come in handy.
I know of many people that use them and I'm positive they would say they are a great help.

I use a trek stick when hiking in all kinds of terrain and I would be with out one. It is the first thing I grab for and think of before I even start the hike or walk.

I really do think it will be a well worth small investment for a large benefit for her.
Thank you all. I'm doing great hobbling around the house but want the cane for getting up the stone steps in our terraced backyard so I can show DH what he needs to do until I fully recover :LOL:. Also for when I go grocery shopping. Too easy to stumble.

Thank Telly for the warning about proper use. I tend not to read the instructions!!!
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