Is your pet a heat seeker?

My late beloved kitty loved to sleep behind the tv in the entertainment cabinet. She generally would come out if the sound was too loud for her sensitive ears.

However, as she got older, the sound apparently didn't bother her. One time, she crawled behind the set and she was so well hidden by a bunch of cables and a huge surge protector that I couldn't see her at all. After several hours, when she hadn't come out for her dinner or respond to our calls, I thought she had gotten out of the house.

I was very upset as the night was very cold...but I quickly made a bunch of "missing cat" posters and spent the next hour or so posting them around the neighborhood.

I got home and was sitting on the sofa when the cat came out from behind the tv, stretching like she had been sleeping for hours, and meowing for her dinner.

Then I had to go out and take down all the missing cat posters!
Poundkey you really should submit photo that to

While my cats snuggle a lot with me and will spend hours enjoying the sun, I wonder if cats are more affection in the winter.? Not having winter I don't really know.

But what do you all think are the little furballs friendlier when it is cold?

My critter is definitely more affectionate in the cold weather.♫/
Has anybody's pet tried a SnuggleSafe Microwave Heat pad?

SnuggleSafe Microwave Heat Pad

Looks promising.

I wish I had known about this a few years ago when my elderly cat was still alive. He had severe arthritis in his last few years, and I was trying to do everything I could to keep him comfortable. I had a fabric bag filled with rice, which I'd heat in the microwave. I used to place it up against his back, and it seemed to stay warm for an hour or two. It would have been great to have something that stayed warm for so long.
People keep cats as pets?


Dogs must be different, ours seem to prefer being cool. Given a warm spot, our female dog will lay on the tile floor in the kitchen instead, presumably because it's cooler.

Our male used to lay on the floor grate blocking A/C to the family room to get cooler. We discovered it one day watching TV and DW and I wondered to each other why it was so warm in the room - only to notice the silly dog completely covering the floor vent, sound asleep.

You gotta love the house-critters no matter what kind.
Also known as "staff".

LOL, I'll reply to this post,just as soon as I replace the food Miss Rosa Parks doesn't like with Fancy Feast.
I know it's an old thread......98 in the shade on the patio, 80 inside with the a/c running continuously, prob. the hottest day of the year. All 3 cats prefer 98 in the shade , to 80 inside :confused:
Given their fur coats, I am starting to think our kitties are part reptilian.
Our kitty is definitely a heat lover. In the winter I affectionately refer to her as my little fur lap robe. At this time of year, August, I am saying OMG I do not need this hot, fury creature in my lap...but then she is sweet so I don't push her away. She loves to sleep directly on the heat vent in the floor in the winter.

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Our old cat seeks out the sun rays in the south facing winter windows but also likes to stay outside in the 100 degree Texas heat in the summer. Seems like that fur coat would interfere with her comfort.
Ying and Yang


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I have two cats and they are a bit strange... yes, they do seek heat... but not always...

They will sit in the window to get the morning and early afternoon sun... one is also a lap cat and will sleep on your lap... you will have to move her if you want to get up... I have the upstairs at 85 degrees right now since the kids are visiting their grandma... and they will go up there at times...

But, one that does get the sun also will lay in a tub to cool off... also, he will lay in front of our biggest air return that is at ground level... a nice cool breeze going by when the AC is running...

The other will splay out on our tile floor, both front and rear legs stretched to get as much body on the tile as possible... and it is not heated, but cool...

So I am a sometimes....
My 5 month old pup lays in front of the AC vent, no matter which room she is in. And she will put her belly on a cold tile floor instead of a soft bed most days. I suspect she is going to LOVE snow this winter.
All of our kitties (now gone to kitty heaven) were heat seekers. They especially appreciated it when we put electric sheets on the bed. It was amazing how quickly we adapted to having a kitty curled up between our legs as we slept. We learned to turn over gently - though one time, I more or less catapulted one of the critters out of the bed - he made the mistake of sleeping on top. His litter mate always burrowed under (and slept with DW). Fun times - good memories.
102 on the patio , so two of them feline critters finally decided to go half way , house at 80 is too cold, so the service porch at 90, about perfect :crazy:
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