Its Simplifying Saturday!

My gosh, it's Saturday again.
This week I went through a shelf in my linen closet and organized or purged all my hba items. Threw out things that were outdated and boxed up others that I had too much of or didn't think I would use. The end result was 27 items tossed in trash and 55 items donated to a local senior center for use in their food boxes or in their upcoming rummage sale. The donation consisted of shampoo & haircare products, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, and soap. :D
Time to get rid of some infant gear. This car seat is going on freecycle:

Gave two bags of clothes to a shelter for abused women/children this week. Still have a whole pile of stuff waiting to sell/give/throw away. I won't post it until it is officially out of the house!
I just got done boxing up a complete set of books and workbooks for a distance learning course for becoming a CFP...
I am going to donate the collection to the local library as reference books for investment, estate and financial planning.
Three boxes of books and a larger partially filled box are still on deck to go downtown. :blush:
I'm going to claim the midweek snowstorm and the 10 mile drive (one way) as an excuse. ;)
Partially cleaned out a closet. 15 shirts to Goodwill. Some of them, I cannot imagine what I was thinking when I bought them :).
And, a real find. Hard-sided briefcase. When was the last time you saw someone carrying one? Maybe they still do that on Wall St., but in my part of the world, soft-sided computer cases took over in 1996 or so........It's a lovely fake-leather Samsonite in really good condition. Out you go.
AND, not 1, or 2, but 3 corporately-supplied 'stuff bags' from various meetings over the years. All three are out the door, leaving me only two non-corporate stuff bags.
This is my favorite thread. It makes me do stuff :)

I usually drop a book or magazine at a nearby laundromat. Anyone else do it that way? People in my neighborhood also put out boxes full of books, marked, "free" and others paw through it taking only what interests them.

I recycle my magazines by taking them to the gym . When I worked I took them to the hospital waiting rooms . Paperbacks are either sent to my mom or sister or donated to the library .
I was really busy this week so no closet cleaning got done but I'll make up for it next week . I spotted a lot of shoes that are ready to be tossed in my spare bedroom closet .
Put all our music cd's on a server and moved the cd's to a storage closet. Recycled tree limbs into mulch with my wood chipper
Did not do anything on this project this past week. Had a really good week last week though.
Three boxes of books and a larger partially filled box are still on deck to go downtown. :blush:
I'm going to claim the midweek snowstorm and the 10 mile drive (one way) as an excuse. ;)
Ah HAAAAAAA...I redeemed myself in the 11th hour today.
I sent 10 Danielle Steele paperbacks home with a friend who has a friend at w*rk who adores Steele's books. I used to buy these for reading during long plane trips when w*rking.
The "> 1 year since I used it" time crtieria was easily met: I've been FIREd for almost 3 years and I did not travel for w*rk for the last year I was there.
Snoopy dance! :LOL:
Did not do anything on this project this past week. Had a really good week last week though.

Same here. Besides, the weekend kind of sneaked up on me. :LOL: If I come up with something, I'll report it later on.
Sofa, ottoman, and chair-thing given to a friend and his family today. They say the stuff matches their decor perfectly!


Shredded all my student loan records today. Figured I didn't need them after 30 years.
Bought a comforter, pillow shams and bedskirt this weekend. I guess I'm going backasswards. :LOL:

Ahhh...but I'll probably give a couple of my quilts to the animal shelter.
Another 96 gallon trash can filled up. And another 96 gallon trash can's worth of stuff ready when this week's trash pick up occurs. Roughly 10 copy paper boxes of old class notes from college, note books, coursepaks, torn up study guides, etc. And a bunch of old student loan docs and other miscellaneous stuff.
Sent some unused electronics to someone on the internet (yes he wanted it).
I sometimes "release books into the wild" but was surprised to see that there is a website to formalize the practice, and track the books:

BookCrossing - The World's Biggest Free Book Club - Catch and Release Used Books

I usually drop a book or magazine at a nearby laundromat. Anyone else do it that way? People in my neighborhood also put out boxes full of books, marked, "free" and others paw through it taking only what interests them.

Yup, when reading out of the house - I'll just leave the finished book where I happen to be. If I know I'll be close to a USO, I'll grab a bagfull of finished books to drop off. But I also pick up lone books from "the wild" :)
Three boxes of books and a larger partially filled box are still on deck to go downtown. :blush:
All books were dropped off today :dance:
Next up is the small remainder of what started out as a mega-pile in the living room. This will go quickly as there are no more papers to carefully sort through or books to be boxed up.
This method of putting boxes of stuff right in the middle of your living room is wonderful. It is annoying to have to walk around it and it is right in your face until you deal with it.
As opposed to it all sitting in the back room or closet, where it seems to achieve the reproduction rates of rabbits... :nonono:
Sold this for $35 today:

I got rid of 20 old dress shirts that were so old they were frayed at the edges of the collars............:)
That book brought $35? Was alcohol involved?

:LOL: I actually included the book. Too bad, because when I looked at it after placing the ad, I saw that it was pretty interesting.
I did not do good this week. Saturday seems to come too quickly.
I have a collection of very unique handpainted ceramic German beer steins, some with little statues (eagle, medieval King on a barrel), and a hunter's cap as lids, plus a free standing horn with an ornate pattern on it. They date back to the 1980s, and are just collecting dust on a downstairs bookcase. All have a West Germany or GDR imprint on the bottom (history buffs will recognize the significance).
So I contacted a friend who is soon to be Commander of his American Legion. I suggested that they would be excellent prizes for a weekly fundraising raffle @ $1 a ticket sold at the bar. He was instantly SOLD on the idea. :D
They are cleaned and drying...soon to be packed carefully and transported out the door for a good cause.

Here's some pics for you Beer Stein art lovers ;)


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