It's Wednesday weigh ins! 2007-2022

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Calgary_Girl, congrats on the new baby! So exciting (and exhausting, I know!).

Had my WW weigh-in today -- down two more pounds! This makes.... drumrolll.... 15 lbs since December 15th of last year, and 23 lbs since October of 2009. Next week I hope to drop down into the 220s.....Hooray!

Looking forward to everyone's successes!

Calgary_Girl, congrats on the new baby! So exciting (and exhausting, so I'm told :cool:). :flowers:

Great work Urchina :clap:

171 Feb 10 :dance::dance: Total of 10 lbs lost since Dec 08. I skipped Chinese buffet today just so I could relish the loss for a little while. :D

Short Term Goal - 170 lbs and maintaining all through 2010
Long Term Goal - 165 lbs for 2011
High school weight 135 lbs senior year, running track

BRILLIANT - I'll bet it feels nice to get into double figures weight loss territory :clap:

As for me :

9-Dec-09 177.0
16-Dec-09 176.0
6-Jan-10 179.5
13-Jan-10 178.0
20-Jan-10 181.0
27-Jan-10 179.0
3-Feb-10 179.0
10-Feb-10 179.0

Target Range 170 -175
Highest 210lbs (2002)

I've stalled on 179 this last 3 weeks but my amount of exercising is up tremendously so as long as I control my eating (ie don't eat more after exercising :nonono:) I would hope the coming weeks should eventually see me heading down.
BRILLIANT - I'll bet it feels nice to get into double figures weight loss territory :clap:
Thanks! :flowers:
It has taken some serious "dieting" over the last few weeks to get there.
I have essentially retrained my brain and stomach to expect just a little bit of food during the day. Taking my orange flavored Metamucil in the AM gives my stomach that full feeling for several hours.
For I drank 2 big mugs of coffee with 2 tsp of sugar and extra milk, ate 1 pear, 1 string cheese, 1 mini Reese's PB cup and 1 small granola bar. I am eating 1 medium size meal in the early evening.
Mind over matter - it can be done! :D
Thanks! :flowers:
It has taken some serious "dieting" over the last few weeks to get there.
I have essentially retrained my brain and stomach to expect just a little bit of food during the day. Taking my orange flavored Metamucil in the AM gives my stomach that full feeling for several hours.
For I drank 2 big mugs of coffee with 2 tsp of sugar and extra milk, ate 1 pear, 1 string cheese, 1 mini Reese's PB cup and 1 small granola bar. I am eating 1 medium size meal in the early evening.
Mind over matter - it can be done! :D

That's wonderful. If you can keep it up long enough to train your stomach to expect less, then you'll have made huge strides towards long term weight loss.
Thanks for the kudos, all. I've gotta say, Weight Watchers is (for me) tremendously easy. I'm looking forward to more exercise.

And everyone else, good work. Even if your weight went up this past week, being here shows you're willing to change that. I think showing up is half the battle, at least!
Well I got into shape for our Hawaii trip last April, and then pigged out from May through December. I ended up at a poochy 224 by New Year's Day. At 6' 2" nobody was hitting me with a harpoon yet, but I was looking crappy. Fortunately I never stopped weightlifting entirely, and I restarted P90X a couple weeks ago to really kick it into gear. I'm at 201.5 as of my weigh in today. From certain angles I look good now, but even with the extra muscle I need to get down to 190 or so to be really fit/trim (those hawaii pics were somewhere in the 180's). Off to do "Chest and Back" again, DW is having mom's night out so I had to get the kids down first. :p
Well I got into shape for our Hawaii trip last April, and then pigged out from May through December. I ended up at a poochy 224 by New Year's Day. At 6' 2" nobody was hitting me with a harpoon yet, but I was looking crappy. Fortunately I never stopped weightlifting entirely, and I restarted P90X a couple weeks ago to really kick it into gear. I'm at 201.5 as of my weigh in today. From certain angles I look good now, but even with the extra muscle I need to get down to 190 or so to be really fit/trim (those hawaii pics were somewhere in the 180's). Off to do "Chest and Back" again, DW is having mom's night out so I had to get the kids down first. :p

Great progress already, it sounds like you are really determined to get back to that 180 - 190 range. Do keep us posted on how you get on.
1/21 - 177
1/27 - 172.8 (-4.2)
2/3 - 172.2 (-.6)
2/10 - 172.2 (0)
2/17 - 172.2 (0) - back from holiday, saw the + 2 lbs damage yesterday morning and ate low carb yesterday because I knew I had to weigh in here and didn't want to show a gain :blush:
Target 175lbs

1/06 186.5
1/13 185.5
1/20 184.5
1/27 183.5
2/03 183.5
2/10 183.5
2/17 183.5

I'm lucky my weight hasn't gone up. With cold temps and no golf, I have gone into full thumb sucking mode.
Back down to what I was before my daughter's BD. It will be very interesting to see what happens to my weight after my cruise this coming week. I HOPE to eat somewhat healthily.:blush:

166.8 11-04-09
166.8 11-11-09
165.6 11-18-09
162.0 11-25-09
161.6 12-02-09
161.4 12-09-09
159.4 12-16-09
159.0 12-23-09
157.8 12-30-09
157.6 01-06-10
157.4 01-13-10
156.2 01-20-10
155.4 02-03-10
156.6 02-10-10
Highest260May 2001
Lowest190June 2007

Been a few weeks again. I haven't been exercising at my usual rate with the whole getting the house ready to sell stuff going on. So I've been doing housework and lifting and carrying, but not my normal martial arts regimen.

Hopefully with the house officially on the market and the first showing tomorrow I'll be back to my normal workout schedule.
18-Nov-09 175.5
25-Nov-09 176.0
2-Dec-09 179.0
9-Dec-09 177.0
16-Dec-09 176.0
6-Jan-10 179.5
13-Jan-10 178.0
20-Jan-10 181.0
27-Jan-10 179.0
3-Feb-10 179.0
10-Feb-10 179.0
17-Feb-10 177.5

Target Range 170 -175
Highest 210lbs (2002)

Finally got a downward movement!! I've been stuck at 179 - 180 all year. I will hold off any celebrations for a while to see if I can maintain it. Got a long weekend in Austin coming up at DD's, with birthday celebrations for both myself and DD on the schedule.
177.5 Nov 2008
181 Dec 31 - Maximum 2008 weight :(
173.5 Dec 23 :dance: Lowest 2009 weight
174 Dec 30
175 Jan 6, 2010
175.5 Jan 27
172.5 Feb 3
171 Feb 10
169.5 Feb 17 :dance::dance: Little by little by little...:D

Short Term Goal - 170 lbs and maintaining all through 2010
Long Term Goal - 165 lbs for 2011
High school weight 135 lbs senior year, running track
177.5 Nov 2008
181 Dec 31 - Maximum 2008 weight :(
173.5 Dec 23 :dance: Lowest 2009 weight
174 Dec 30
175 Jan 6, 2010
175.5 Jan 27
172.5 Feb 3
171 Feb 10
169.5 Feb 17 :dance::dance: Little by little by little...:D

Short Term Goal - 170 lbs and maintaining all through 2010
Long Term Goal - 165 lbs for 2011
High school weight 135 lbs senior year, running track

That is an awesome weigh-in - CONGRATULATIONS !!!
5/27: 132 (post cruise)
6/24: 126
7/29: 120!!!
8/26: 118
9/30: 117 (post vacation weekend - Mobile)
10/28: 119
11/25: 119
12/30: 122 (holiday gluttony)
1/27/10: 123
2/3/10: 122
2/10/10: 123
2/17/10: 123

Highest was 139# (2007)
5'4" Target range 116 - 121#

Hanging tough. Had a bit of a back strain last week and missed a few workouts as a result. That's gone, but now I have a flare-up of that chronic nerve injury I have in my leg...but so far I've danced through it (I know, I'm a terrible as I say, not as I do! LOL) I'm sure the flare-up is due to being up on my feet walking goodness knows how many miles a day in the halls of my new workplace. The place is HUGE, and I expect to get lost on a daily basis there for at least the next few weeks. :ROFLMAO:

Hoping the extra walking will soon result in losing 2 or 3 # to get back in my target range.

Congrats to all who are doing well - and to those who are struggling, keep at it!
l - and to those who are struggling, keep at it!

Sure thing, we'll keep on struggling :LOL:

So sorry to hear about your injury, it is really hard to exercise when things hurt particularly if you are in danger of aggravating it.
177.5 Nov 2008
181 Dec 31 - Maximum 2008 weight :(
173.5 Dec 23 :dance: Lowest 2009 weight
174 Dec 30
175 Jan 6, 2010
175.5 Jan 27
172.5 Feb 3
171 Feb 10
169.5 Feb 17 :dance::dance: Little by little by little...:D

Short Term Goal - 170 lbs and maintaining all through 2010
Long Term Goal - 165 lbs for 2011
High school weight 135 lbs senior year, running track

That is an awesome weigh-in - CONGRATULATIONS !!!

Ditto! Send me some of your will power.
Short Term Goal - 170 lbs and maintaining all through 2010
Long Term Goal - 165 lbs for 2011
High school weight 135 lbs senior year, running track

Freebird, how do you think so long term? If it were me, I'd keep on going. You must have extreme patience. Maybe that's part of my problem, I'm still always trying to do things the fast way which ends up rebounding on me. You'd think I'd have learned by now that for weight loss at least, that doesn't work. :(
Freebird, how do you think so long term? If it were me, I'd keep on going. You must have extreme patience. Maybe that's part of my problem, I'm still always trying to do things the fast way which ends up rebounding on me. You'd think I'd have learned by now that for weight loss at least, that doesn't work. :(
Um...I'm a retired engineer. I need to have a plan and an algorithm. I can't help myself. :LOL:

Seriously, though, my personality is such that if I set and visualize a concrete goal down the road, I can motivate myself toward it and realize a reward.
The plan: I'm 51 and it ain't gonna get any easier. So I am staying ahead of the curve and getting slimmer now.
The rewards: My motivator is not my appearance or fashion, but the fact that my feet and knees feel so much better lately. :D:D

The algorithm: As long as I have modified my behavior enough to realize some sort of net loss, I'm golden. In this case, the behavior modification I have achieved is to revamp my daytime food consumption to only small snacks, spaced out evenly over the day. I am also getting up more and getting mild activity inside the house. Once warm weather hits, I will be out in the yard doing even more.

As far as eating goes, yes, I cheat. For instance, I just had a prime rib dinner last Saturday.
But I controlled how much I ate at one sitting. That seems to be what w*rks for me.
Um...I'm a retired engineer. I need to have a plan and an algorithm. I can't help myself. :LOL:

Seriously, though, my personality is such that if I set and visualize a concrete goal down the road, I can motivate myself toward it and realize a reward.
The plan: I'm 51 and it ain't gonna get any easier. So I am staying ahead of the curve and getting slimmer now.
The rewards: My motivator is not my appearance or fashion, but the fact that my feet and knees feel so much better lately. :D:D

The algorithm: As long as I have modified my behavior enough to realize some sort of net loss, I'm golden. In this case, the behavior modification I have achieved is to revamp my daytime food consumption to only small snacks, spaced out evenly over the day. I am also getting up more and getting mild activity inside the house. Once warm weather hits, I will be out in the yard doing even more.

As far as eating goes, yes, I cheat. For instance, I just had a prime rib dinner last Saturday.
But I controlled how much I ate at one sitting. That seems to be what w*rks for me.

Great plan and well executed, thanks for sharing :flowers:
Great plan and well executed, thanks for sharing :flowers:
TY :flowers:
If one goes back to my 2009 postings, there was a lot of fluctuating going on with my weight over several months. It took me over 1 year :blush: to get it right.
FYI, there was one point when I used to weigh just over 200 lbs. I was w*rking, eating out a lot, stressing at the desk, and drinking mucho cerveza fria with my multi-topping pizza and wings. I have a large frame for a lady and stand tall at 5'7", but that was just too much.
I recently went through a collection of old pictures, saw myself at that weight, and just cringed. I threw them all out. :D
Never again. :nonono:
TY :flowers:
If one goes back to my 2009 postings, there was a lot of fluctuating going on with my weight over several months. It took me over 1 year :blush: to get it right.
FYI, there was one point when I used to weigh just over 200 lbs. I was w*rking, eating out a lot, stressing at the desk, and drinking mucho cerveza fria with my multi-topping pizza and wings. I have a large frame for a lady and stand tall at 5'7", but that was just too much.
I recently went through a collection of old pictures, saw myself at that weight, and just cringed. I threw them all out. :D
Never again. :nonono:

Now that I've stopped working my eating habits have definitely improved and I am exercising at 2 or 3 times the level I was when working, without knowingly increasing my food intake, and I keep expecting to start losing weight but it has not happened yet. I am still hoping that it will happen - surely it has to :confused:

In your situation with the photos I think I would have kept some of the photos of myself at the heavier weights (private viewing only) just to scare myself as to what will happen if I ever fall off the wagon :D
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