Just daydreaming.......


Recycles dryer sheets
Feb 16, 2005
I think the last time I posted here was about a year ago to ask for an opinion on whether I had enough of a pile to retire or switch jobs. The beginning of 05 for me was quite a downer. Not financially, but as in a mutinee on the ship. (employees).

Well, I am glad to say I stuck it out and 06 seems to be starting out a lot better. While I still curse a lot of them every chance I get (under my breath), I've been playing with firecalc regularily and looking at other options open to me once I decide to get out of this insanity. I believe I DO see a light at the end of the tunnel!!!

After seeing how working a few more years will exponentially improve my lot, I am of the opinion now that I am going to shoot for 5 more years. I am 40 now. If, after the 5 years I feel like it, I may shoot for a few more.

I guess what I didn't think about a year ago was what the heck I would do with my free time once I pull the plug.

Hmmmmm............ I guess it's time for me to start thinking about hobbies or part time work somewhere to keep me busy once that time comes. Actually, charity work doesn't sound all that bad to me right now.

Anyway...... It's starting out to be a damn sight better year this year than last year!

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