Karaoke anyone?


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May 15, 2008
I was just wondering if you have been to karaoke parties, karaoke boxes, or karaoke bars and sung? (Some of you probably get paid to sing etc, but I am talking to the amateur crowd here ;)) Personally, I love it (although I've been to those places maybe a dozen times over the last 30 year period.) I think it's fun.

What are your favorite songs to sing? (including the songs you belt out while taking shower?)

I can carry a tune as long as notes are limited to a few mid-range notes (I can't seem to sing high notes anymore, as I age...), so my song choices are pretty limited.
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I have never been to a karaoke party or club, much less sung at one. But I have often thought that anyone, even a tone-deaf smoker with laryngitis would sound great singing "Summertime".

Nobody can sing it like Billie Holiday but you will sound great anyway. Here's her version for inspiration. Janis did a pretty terrific version too.

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I confess. I sang in a karaoke bar once. I was in Northern Japan on a business trip and my local host set me up. I figured what the heck, pulled up my shirt collar, unbuttoned shirt, jumped on top of a table and started channeling an Elvis song to the canned music. I think it was the old Love Me Tender. The crowd loved it, and the bar tender, a 300 pound Japanese lady who didn't speak one word of English, wanted to know my hotel and room number, which remained a secret.
Kareoke....fun until the very worst singers get up there and hog the mike, song after song after song...:facepalm:

Mr B has a fabulous voice, mine is so-so. He did a great version of La Bamba a few weeks ago at one of our favorite Legions. People who have known him for years were sitting there with open mouths. He ignored the cue monitor and sang it straight from memory. The DJ turned down the vocal track of the song and let him sing it himself.

After [-]several[/-] a few beers...I will do simple songs with a narrow range, mostly Beatles songs, and have fun with a little harmony (I take the lower part) if I am up there with another singer. I hold the microphone at the right distance away so I do not saturate it. I prefer songs I know from memory because the cue monitor is confusing and often slightly delayed.

Half the fun of kareoke is not the singing, but the be-bopping and lip synching and smooth "dancing in place" body moves. :cool: I use the mike a lot as a prop, switching it between hands and holding it up and away on the "high note" I know I cannot possibly hit. :LOL:
Here is Jewel singing at a Karaoke bar - undercover.

I have never been to a Karaoke bar or party. But I usually am the singer when we play "Rock Band" on the Wii.;)
I did Karaoke once, about 20 years ago, with my brother at some bar. We did The Beatles' "Twist and Shout." He did the lead voice and I did the backups. It went quite well although my brother was into it more than I was. At one point, he jumped off the stage and wrapped the mike cord around one of the cheering girls and started dancing with her. It was quite a scene.

Later that night, he and a girl (might have been the same one, I don't recall) sang the Grease song, "Summer Nights" together while the girl's girlfriend and I watched from the front and gave them some hand signals. My brother, always the jokester, changed one word from the male lyrics. At the end of the song, his line is, "I wonder what.....she's doing now?" but he changed it to "I wonder WHO....she's dong now?" LOL fun night.
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I did Karaoke once, about 20 years ago, with my brother at some bar. We did The Beatles' "Twist and Shout." He did the lead voice and I did the backups. It went quite well although my brother was into it more than I was. At one point, he jumped off the stage and wrapped the mike cord around one of the cheering girls and started dancing with her. It was quite a scene.

Later that night, he and a girl (might have been the same one, I don't recall) sang the Grease song, "Summer Nights" together while the girl's girlfriend and I watched from the front and gave them some hand signals. My brother, always the jokester, changed one word from the male lyrics. At the end of the song, his line is, "I wonder what.....she's doing now?" but he changed it to "I wonder WHO....she's dong now?" LOL fun night.

Your brother sounds like a real fun jokester.
Here is Twist and Shout by the Bealtes. I think this is a perfect group karaoke song.
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