Ladies hovering, a serious issue

Ahh, the Scheissplatz - allows you to examine your feces afterwards. Only problem is you are constantly cleaning skid marks (every German toilet has a brush and a sign telling you to scrub afterwards) and a courtesy flush is really for the splash reverb from a urine stream, I am female, so didn't think about that, but upon contemplation, can see that happening with the 'platz."

I have read that Germans have a history of .... let us say a fecal focus. Don’t know how widespread or neurotic this gets.
Ahh, the Scheissplatz - allows you to examine your feces afterwards. Only problem is you are constantly cleaning skid marks (every German toilet has a brush and a sign telling you to scrub afterwards) and a courtesy flush is really for the splash reverb from a urine stream, I am female, so didn't think about that, but upon contemplation, can see that happening with the 'platz."
I didn't see this in the Munich airport. I was kind of hoping to see this much talked about feature! I guess I need to travel deeper into the country.

Speaking of the Munich airport... I would rate the men's room in the newer terminal as the cleanest, best public restroom I've seen anywhere. Nice private stalls, well attended, etc. Very nice for a high usage space. Makes any USA airport restroom look third world.
I have not encountered the above type of toilet in Germany, but I have been there only a few times.
It wasn't until the early 2000's that the average restroom in Mexico even had a toilet seat. When Cozumel finally got toilet seats there was row after row of them in the grocery store. Seats with lids of every color. Was actually quite funny.
That cant be sanitary...

Since it flushes I suppose it’s sanitary enough. Ours flushed well so scrubbing wasn’t required.

But I can tell you it sure was smelly before the flush! We learned to flush immediately! I really appreciated water in the bowl after that.

Only one of our Austrian accommodations had the poop shelf. It was a less expensive small town inn, rather than a larger city hotel.
I have read that Germans have a history of .... let us say a fecal focus. Don’t know how widespread or neurotic this gets.

Yeah, apparently. Also very comfortable and unselfconscious with public nudity.
Since it flushes I suppose it’s sanitary enough. Ours flushed well so scrubbing wasn’t required.

But I can tell you it sure was smelly before the flush! We learned to flush immediately! I really appreciated water in the bowl after that.

Only one of our Austrian accommodations had the poop shelf. It was a less expensive small town inn, rather than a larger city hotel.
I think my extremely dry attempt at a joke might have been lost, but I do appreciate the color!
I wonder about just letting the water get warmed up a bit (which I do every time) is enough to clear out any issues? Report didn't deal with such a hypothesis.

That's what I would think. I don't get in the shower until the hot water has hit the fixture so any "bugs" in there are long since flushed out anyway.
I just ran across this sign, which is so appropriate for this thread.

We've wandered pretty far with this topics, so, let's wander a bit further. I once heard a discussion of the song (She Works) Hard for the Money by Donna Summer. Apparently, the "heroine" of the song was a female rest room attendant. I don't recall the entire discussion, but the concept of hovering DID come up and the culprits were identified as young women (teens?). In any case, I like the song (and Donna Summer) so I thought I'd include it here.

Oh, and I've personally solved the seat up/seat down/poor aim, etc. issues in the family by always sitting, no matter what business I'm attending to. I NEVER miss but YMMV.


I just ran across this sign, which is so appropriate for this thread.



Hadn't seen that one before........only the shorter:
Our aim is to keep this bathroom clean.
Gentlemen, you aim too please.

or the pithier version:
We aim to please.
You aim too, please.
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We've wandered pretty far with this topics, so, let's wander a bit further. I once heard a discussion of the song (She Works) Hard for the Money by Donna Summer. Apparently, the "heroine" of the song was a female rest room attendant. I don't recall the entire discussion, but the concept of hovering DID come up and the culprits were identified as young women (teens?). In any case, I like the song (and Donna Summer) so I thought I'd include it here.

Oh, and I've personally solved the seat up/seat down/poor aim, etc. issues in the family by always sitting, no matter what business I'm attending to. I NEVER miss but YMMV.


Always sit during home business.

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