Laundry system: hamper, basket, or just a big pile?

Dropping the climber too fast is really the belayer's fault not the equipment. You're not supposed to just disengage the break and let them fall. disengaging the break just turns it into any other belaying device and you have to use pull the rope to the side just like any other belay.
I don't think the gri-gris at our gym will lock off the rope like an ATC does
when you pull back on the non-climber end. I guess you could put it "in
series" with an ATC :)
I'm not a fan of getting lowered by someone else in any circumstance so I always just go to the top and repel down.

Not allowed at most gyms.
Not allowed at most gyms.

Bah gyms, who needs 'em. There's cliffs a plenty and homemade climbing walls all over the place here. Walls are fun because you can jump over the edge and then run straight down risking every bone in your body at once. But traditional repelling off cliffs is fun too.
i have one of those homemade systems in my garage for lifting the fiberglas pickup truck cap. all we needed was some pulleys, good sturdy rope, and wall mounted cleats for tying off rope. it was designed and installed by 2 nutty engineers. :cool:

I'm looking at doing something similar. I want to build a cedar strip canoe or kayak The Newfound Woodworks - Cedar Strip and Plywood Canoe, Kayak and Rowboat Kits! , but DW doesnt want it "junking" up the garage. So I'm going to rig up a pulley system in the attic attached to the rafters, so the boat can be hoisted up through the attic scuttle.
This has been one of the best thread hijacks ever. From laundry on the floor to pulley storage systems. :)
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