Leaving LinkedIn-did you?

Have not bothered with it for ten plus years even though I have only been retired for 7.
Sort of a weird topic, but for those who had an account on LinkedIn during your w**k years, once you retired did you close the account or maintain a presence?

I still have my LinkedIn account.
I simply updated the status.
I just walked away without changing anything except made sure all of the stuff was "no, Don't Contact Me". I still get a few head hunters spamming me. But leaving it open in case any work associates want to contact me. Not for business, but maybe they're in town and we could enjoy a beer and a burger while complaining about how messed up it was back in the old days.
I'm not retired yet so I still have it. To be honest it hasn't helped me get ahead in my career or find a better j*b. I get tons of mismatched, empl*yment requests from clueless headhunters but nothing I would consider jumping to.

I do find value on the recommendations section, especially from people above you. Those have helped friends of mine.
Not a weird topic at all! I'm in a similar situation... Retired four years ago but have kept my LinkedIn account open. Will probably keep it for the foreseeable future because it's interesting to see how former coworkers are doing. Sometimes it also reminds me how truly happy I am to be away from that world.
I dropped all those social websites. This board, Reddit, and Quora are the only social media I use.
I dont like to use facebook, deleted my acct. I use linkedin to search for people where we have lost touch. Hoping never to look for a job for me.
I considered LinkedIn a highly valuable resource during my career, but needed to delete my account a few months after retiring to achieve full closure on that chapter of my life. I had highly valuable recommendations there gathered over the years, so deleting the account really meant something to me and help me move on. All positive.
I will change my status to retired at the end of the month. Hopefully that will stop the headhunter/contract outsourcing solicitations.
Not a weird topic at all! I'm in a similar situation... Retired four years ago but have kept my LinkedIn account open. Will probably keep it for the foreseeable future because it's interesting to see how former coworkers are doing. Sometimes it also reminds me how truly happy I am to be away from that world.

Yep, when I see some of the posts I find them so cringe worthy, the "wow such a great team I have blah blah"....:cool:
I feel a little like a heel having not been back to engage in the great responses on this thread. I have been getting my house and property ready to sell and got a bit distracted. It was nice to read the variety of responses and all of them really helped make my final decision to close my account in sort of that "final step" even though I have been FI for 3 years.
I kept mine because when I look at it now I have so much damn gratitude that I'm not working!

and lol @ "i'm part of a great team" hahahaha
I am connected to both my sons back from when I was working. I do find what they are interested in a valuable insight.
I don't know what would be more rewarding, deactivating the business suits, or the linkedIn account. I'll let you know in 13 years when LinkedIn is a distant memory like Tucows, or AltaVista, or GeoCities.


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