Looking for a DIY Alarm System

Even cheaper, and with less slobber: $6 for some Home Security System Monitoring stickers from ebay. Maybe score a yard sign advertising the same, too.

The slobber I is part of the charm. Plus mine is the only one free of raccoons on the block.

And I would be remiss if I failed to mention the other half of the security system. If the sound of the action on a pump 12 gauge does not convince anyone who ignores the dogs,some 00 buckshot should do it.
I have had Simplisafe for about 2.5 years and have been very happy with the system. I have *yet* to have any false alarms and have only had to change the batteries in the keypad once...none of the sensors have had to be replaced. I also have had the Dropcam for a little over a year. I too like this especially when I am traveling. They only complaint I have on the Dropcam is if I set the night vision to "auto" it will cycle on and off constantly with a lamp illuminated in the room next door. I am hoping that they have a software upgrade that will allow you to set times for the night vision to work. Other than that...I love both systems.

Oh yes, I have a loud mean dog...but he's just the backup! :)

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