Lou Dobbs--CNN

Sundance Kid

Recycles dryer sheets
Nov 23, 2005
I think this guy, tells it like it is! At least, I like his point of view.

Is he, just another face on the news, or does he have some credibility?:confused:
He seems to be sincere, but that just means he believes what he says -- not that what he says is the truth. Some of his ideas appear to be very misguided. :eek:
Other than his position on the incarcerated border patrol, I find him to call it like it really is most of the time. My son just told me today his reaction to the new proposed imigration bill, which I think is laughable and apparantly he shares my sentiments.
One problem I have with Lou Dobbs is that he often offers his opinions in a format that tries to look like straight news reporting. If we are going to get his opinions about issues in the news I think they should be conveyed in a format that clearly shows that they are his opinions. I often agree with his positions on issues.

Dobbs:*Big media hide truth about immigration - CNN.com

Here is a link to his thoughts on immigration and some of the things he talks about on it daily show, as far as not saying the truth that depends on what you believe the truth is. Misguided Hmmm .....who truth is that:confused:?
Facts are facts. They are true or they are not.

Opinions and projections are not facts. They are true only if they are stated to be an individual's beliefs and not fact.

When opinions and projections are used in a logic chain to justify or rationalize conclusions, that is misguided.

It's that simple, Kathy. :) :) :)
Lou Dobbs is a legend in his own mind...a Bill O'Reilley wanna-be.

Can't stand either one of them...battle of the opinionated loud-mouths...
I still like Lou Dobbs! He says, what he thinks and doesn't spare his opinions.
Too many of the other media bobble heads, just spread the word according to their companies affiliation. Mostly, it is to attack Bush!

Dobbs, calls the Immigration proposals a tragic display of stupidity. I've not heard anyone else say that.
Ooops, this last post went out before I was ready to send it. I didn't think I was logged in. Now, I'm embarrased!!
Sundance you said it for me. Who here thinks that the "Main Stream Media News" is truthful and unbiased? If you do I'd like to get some of what your smoking. At least Hannity, O'Riley et al say they are conservite and this is my analysis of this issue. The main stream news expects you to belive that they have no agenda and wouild never lie to the public about anything.
My impression of Lou Dobbs has long been that he's full of himself...which makes him perfect for mainstream news and opinion shows. The article linked above pretty much confirms that Lou doesn't have a clue as to how to gracefully admit that he made a mistake. He prefers to cloud the picture with more spin, making him just another run-of-the-mill commentator, IMO.
My impression of Lou Dobbs has long been that he's full of himself...which makes him perfect for mainstream news and opinion shows. The article linked above pretty much confirms that Lou doesn't have a clue as to how to gracefully admit that he made a mistake. He prefers to cloud the picture with more spin, making him just another run-of-the-mill commentator, IMO.

Go Lou Dobbs....I would rather listen to him than our crooked politicians that are selling us down the river and bringing the ruination of this country. If anyone is full of themselves it is them....

Oh, he did mention he made a mistake on his show last week. I was watching when he devoted about 10 mins. to it. I am sure it is on the transcripts at his site on CNN if you care to check it out...

As far as I know, right now, this is a free country and every one is in-titled to their own opinion and/or believes this is mine.
Go Lou Dobbs....I would rather listen to him than our crooked politicians that are selling us down the river and bringing the ruination of this country. If anyone is full of themselves it is them....

Oh, he did mention he made a mistake on his show last week. I was watching when he devoted about 10 mins. to it. I am sure it is on the transcripts at his site on CNN if you care to check it out...

As far as I know, right now, this is a free country and every one is in-titled to their own opinion and/or believes this is mine.
I totally agree with you, Kathy. We are all entitled to our own opinions, whatever they may be. From what I've read, the 10 minutes you mentioned was mostly spin, thus my opinion that Dobbs is just like the rest of the pack, nothing special. Just my opinion, of course.
Though I do enjoy Lou;s commentary on most subjects, I do also believe that his position of criticism of the current government on almost every level is a good part of his "schtick", and has proven to boost ratings considerably.

I am in agreement with his commentary on several subjects, and some I am not and realize it is all part of the ratings game and being Lou Dobbs.

He is gaining a larger audience now more than ever, as more people become upset with the war and all the other good stuff the Bush administration has brought us. Is he for real? Does he really feel the way he claims to. Who knows. Hard not to become cynical of people in power these days.

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