Lovin' my Wii Fit!

Sooo, how difficult is this Wii and the fun Bowling, Fit, Driving, etc to hook up to your TV? My TV is big and it's difficult to get to the back.
Want2retire I'm glad you can recommend "Animal Crossing" because I just ordered it for my grown daughter for Xmas!
Sooo, how difficult is this Wii and the fun Bowling, Fit, Driving, etc to hook up to your TV? My TV is big and it's difficult to get to the back.

You will have to connect to one of the inputs, which is in the back. Overall, the Wii is really easy to connect, though. At least, I thought it was very simple.

Want2retire I'm glad you can recommend "Animal Crossing" because I just ordered it for my grown daughter for Xmas!

She will LOVE it!!! At least, I do. :D This may be my favorite game ever.
I have confession to make I fell off the Wii Fit program. I was good for 6 weeks, decent for another 6 weeks and then just stopped :(

I still go to the gym three times a week for a class, but Wii Fit was suppose to be a good supplement.

I think it is me and not the very nicely done Wii Fit program but any other other confession out there?
Yup that is wii fit, I am not sure why that is called a parody.
DW told me to buy a Wii as a gift for the family. OK, done. I thought about the Wii fit, fortunately, my SIL heard this and said "ummm, you can have ours - we don't use it anymore".

So, I may use it for a few weeks and then quit, but at least I won't be paying for the fit. We'll see about the Wii.

We got DDR dance Revolution thing for Playstation a few years back. Kids still use it occasionally. I tried the other day, thinking it would be some exercise - I needed to go through the lessons to get the hang of it, and those are boring. Then I totally mess up the songs, and by the time I try them a 3rd time, I can't stand the stupid music.

Based on that, I don't have high hopes that $300 for a Wii was a good investment.... But then again, what is lately? :(

T-al that is hilarious! And just what I suspect happens to most of them, like all the rest of that expensive workout equipment most people never use after 6 months.
I'm taking a one day break from Wii Fit. I feel as though a train has run over me and that my hair has gotten caught up in one of the wheels and it has dragged me for miles only to deposit me in front of a herd of stampeding buffalo. God I'm sore!
Dw bought wii fit this past summer and brought it back here...been collecting dust since. I had been looking for something to do in the evenings so I dragged it out and had DD give me the 3min explanation. I can see how it may be fun when I get used to it. I really did need some kind of exercise to do at home on cold days when the gym has a scheduled day off...this may well do the trick.

I wonder if I get DW's work to help pay for a Wii and Wii Fit, as part of their wellness program reimbursement for exercise stuff........:)
Just picked one up at Costco for $78 today. Between it being after Christmas, a strong dollar making it more profitable to sell in the U.S. and a crappy economy, I guess it might be easier to pick up now.

Just doing my patriotic duty to stimulate the economy with spending... :)
Yes, they had a big pile of both Wii's and Wii Fit's at my Best Buy last weekend. First time I have ever seen either in a retail store in the New Orleans area, and I've been keeping my eyes open since last spring. (Bought both last year via Amazon, much more expensive). So maybe now is a good time to score one.

And thank you, Ziggy, for your continuing efforts to keep the economy propped up!
Can anyone give me a hint on how to Ski Jump? I usually just end up in a rolling ball of snow. Sometime I do hit one of the two jumps - but I can't figure out what I am doing differently from the time I wipe out.

For starters are you supposed to jump in the red zone or right before it?

You jump in the red zone -- I tend to try to time the jump right in the middle of the red zone, not waiting until the very end or else I often wind up eating it, too. When you're going down the chute, crouch and keep your weight forward and evenly balanced between left and right legs. Try to get that dot representing your current balance over the fixed dot and you'll gain a lot of speed (and the background of the balance indicator turns yellow).

Then in the red area, "jump" and try to hold your balance in the middle of the crosshairs while you're in the air until you land.

Best I've done so far is a combined 306m in two jumps.
Don't forget ANIMAL CROSSING!!!! I am having a ball playing it right now, and it would probably be a great family game.

Hmmm, what aren't you telling us? :ROFLMAO:
Crispy Gamer | Video Game News, Rumors and Updates » Blog Archive » KMIZ News Director Responds to Wii Story Criticism

"It seems that a lot of the information came from Detective Andy Anderson of the Mid-Missouri Internet Crimes Task Force, who said, “I cannot come up with any legitimate reason that an adult would be playing that particular game.” Anderson went on to say that adults playing Animal Crossing and similar games are “likely doing it for the wrong reasons.”

Typical sensationalist journalism.
Hmmm, what aren't you telling us? :ROFLMAO:
Crispy Gamer | Video Game News, Rumors and Updates » Blog Archive » KMIZ News Director Responds to Wii Story Criticism

"It seems that a lot of the information came from Detective Andy Anderson of the Mid-Missouri Internet Crimes Task Force, who said, “I cannot come up with any legitimate reason that an adult would be playing that particular game.” Anderson went on to say that adults playing Animal Crossing and similar games are “likely doing it for the wrong reasons.”

Typical sensationalist journalism.

Yes, it is. For one thing, one can play Animal Crossing without putting their Wii online, which is exactly what I do as do many others. I enjoy solitude and have zero desire to play the game with others. Invite somebody to come to my virtual town and run on the grass (destroying it), or otherwise mess up my lovely virtual town? Not on your life.

And then even if one connects one's Wii to the internet, one must give permission for "visits". Discussion on relevant forums concludes that the story you quote is ridiculously sensationalist, as you point out, and pretty far removed from reality.
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Hmmm, W2R (a) plans to move to Missouri and (b) enjoys "Animal Crossing"--I think Detective Anderson is on to her!

Who knew there was a need for a Mid-Missouri Internet Crimes Task Force and that it has time to investigate Wii games....

"It seems that a lot of the information came from Detective Andy Anderson of the Mid-Missouri Internet Crimes Task Force, who said, “I cannot come up with any legitimate reason that an adult would be playing that particular game.” Anderson went on to say that adults playing Animal Crossing and similar games are “likely doing it for the wrong reasons.”
What the heck would be the wrong reasons?

:2funny: Good question!! I would presume he meant that anyone playing Animal Crossing was doing so as a pedophile wanting access to children. I think Ha had a better answer to it. To expound upon the unbridled glee:

In my case, I play Animal Crossing because it is relaxing and a good way to unwind after work, far removed from my job or other stress. It takes me off to another, more pleasant world for an hour or two each day, a world that in many ways is like real life, only easier. You can work selling fruit that you gathered and fish that you caught, and pay off the mortgage on your starter house in one day. There are butterflies everywhere in the springtime, which you can catch and sell or simply enjoy. When you go fishing, you always catch fish, who always seem to go for your bait. Just like real life, only easier.

The game teaches the values of initiative, working for rewards, and being honest. It teaches basic information on the natural history of fishes and insects. It doesn't use any "bad words" unless you tell it to do so, and I haven't. There isn't any sex or violence in it that I have found.
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