Medical charges ordeal - comment

I think trying to work out something reasonable to all parties is a good idea. When I tried that with a case of "supposed to be in-network but, oops, not in-network" things. The billing person got snippy and threatened to send it to collections. I said I'd pay the in-network rate, right here, right now, but not paying anything now without your agreeing that the in-network rate would be payment in full. Click. And they didn't even wait 90 days. I got the collections letter a few weeks later. I wrote a "drop dead" letter, with signature confirmation saying I was disputing the debt, that I had source documentation proving that, and I would take them to local small claims court (a right provided by the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) if I saw anything on my credit report. I never heard another peep out of them. And nothing on the credit report.

But they could get a judgement against you, and that would be "bad". So if you ever get anything in the mail about a court date, make sure you address it.

I am offering them via email to write off the debt and then will try to negotiate reduced rate.

Theoretically I'd like it to go collections and do what you did, as I have all documented and explained that my signatures on some papers were obtained by proving incomplete or false information.

That was the reason to ask this forum to advise as I am weighting on if it's worth my time an effort.

Thx for the reply!
Facility charges? Ha. They caught me as well. $198, though. Same office, same chair. In the building across the street from the hospital. The doctor didn't even have to wash his hands. In and out in 5 minutes. (I'm lucky I have a "simple" problem and just need to see the Dr. once per year to get a prescription for blood work to validate my chemistry is OK.)
I called the hospital billing office. They said too bad. You came to the office and you need to pay it. I was able to talk them into a 25% discount and paid it. It irritates me that I have to pay for the office space to see the doctor. It should be in his overhead - not mine. Next time I should invite him out for a nice lunch. It would be cheaper, easier, and more enjoyable. My concern with letting this go to collections is that your insurance company may look to your credit report to set your rate. It might cost more in insurance increases due to poor credit than to pay the fee.
I have 11 months until I start Medicare. How are these facility charges handled once you are on Medicare? I plan on having Medicare part B with a supplemental plan.

I’m hoping they are paid just like any other medical charge.
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