
I went to a meetup when Nords came to Houston. Folks were down-to-earth and fun to be with. Dress was very casual. I think Nords was overdressed in shorts, T-shirt, and sandals, but I can't recall clearly. Photos were posted here, but have since turned into dead-end links.

Everyone paid their own bar tab.
Somehow, I think a group of ers would look like a skid row convention, given the general frugality and not caring over much about appearances.

Yeah, I think so too.


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I think I spotted an ER Forum member when I was visiting my daughter in Oregon, a few years back. Definitely LBYM but he probably has a couple of million at Vanguard.


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Mr. and Mr. Amethyst will gladly attend, dressed to the nines, as long as somebody else is paying.

If required, we will even sit through a presentation on annuities or estate planning - if the food is really good.


I am picturing an expensive upscale party outdoors with generally well-dressed people sipping nice drinks and chatting with each other a
Showoff, we were thinking you'd show up with Schaefer Lite. I do have a friend with a moonshine still, though.

We could always have a virtual meetup and send pictures of whatever attire we thing would be most appropriate for the party. Here's one from a past Green Party in full tacky regalia!
So Sarah, is that your normal day to day 'tude, or are you heavily alcohol enhanced in this pic?

"Ok buddy, gimme your best shot..."

Are there any kind of early retirement meetups of this forum?
I've been to a few...

There have been a few gatherings (search "chapter meeting") over the years. Most have ended badly due to disputes over who was [-]picking up the bar tab[/-] paying off their mortgage or investing the money...
... but I swear that one wasn't my fault.

I'm not sure what gives you the image of a high-class affair. The last one I attended in Houston featured an armadillo in the parking lot and a bunch of carcasses nailed to the wall. But the attendees and the food were good!

ClifP and I have held a few Honolulu chapter meetings at this lovely legendary establishment: YouTube - ‪Ben's Tours--Wailana Coffee House, Honolulu‬‏

Here's one from a past Green Party in full tacky regalia!
I'm pretty sure I owned a shirt like that... in 1975...
I can see how it would be difficult to organize something, because no matter how wealthy a person is on this forum, they wouldn't be willing to split the cost of a lavish get-together, or even any get together, especially because some would be drinking alcohol and some wouldn't, and different amounts, etc. Personally, I hate drinking at bars because it's so much more expensive than a home party, especially in MA. What you'd have to do is have a bar that was stocked beforehand and each person would buy drink tickets for each drink so that it would be much less expensive, just based on the actual cost of the materials.

I still like my idea of having a number that represents how far a person is to ER. Maybe it should be the amount that a person has divided by the total financial amount a person is aiming at, and we would have to decide what to do with mortgages and such. Maybe this has already be done?

I will downgrade my impression: a group of decently dressed people sipping drinks outdoors.
Perhaps it should stay alcohol-free. I'd be concerned about a brawl erupting over variable annuities, to or to not pay off the mortgage, which Vanguard accounts are best, new vs. junkyard cars, and what percentage of income it is okay to spend instead of saving.
No, that's just a sign that the flow of alcohol should be increased. Then the affair can gently taper off into a group hug while singing Auld Lang Syne.
Ha: alcohol is definitely an enhancement both to attitudes and appearances! And Spanish language skills, or so I've heard!

Nords: that shirt may be yours-it did come from the second-hand store up on Rivers Ave near the base area!
But I really hope the pleated (yes,pleated) leather pants DH is wearing were not yours!
Nords knows where I/DW will be staying early next year (based upon private discussions). However, since I did not specify a date, you don't know when I will be there. However, if you show up, I'll throw a party.

Catch me if you can :dance: ...


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I'd have to be rip-roaring drunk or dead to be found in them there duds.

As for alcohol, it does inhibit inhibitions.
Did anyone else think that the first male model looks like "Spock, Jr."?

The yellow outfit is odd clothing for men, to be sure.

I found this picture of one of our meetups. It was more fun than it looks.

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