MGM Grand Settlement


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Jan 10, 2006
MGM Grand has settled with the victims of the mass shooting for $800 million. While tragic what happened to all those people I don't see what MGM did that was negligent. That is a lot fo money to be paid out whether it's MGM or their insurance company. I understand the insurance company needing to pay for medical bills but beyond that I don't understand why they are responsible fro what this person did. Opinions?
I can already smell the bacon.

The intent was a finacial discussion only. Such as the financial impact of such a settlement on the company(s) involved and if it's warranted.
I have not read the article, because paywall, but I assume that the legal teams involved have spent far more time and expert analysis to reach this decision, than I could glean from any 10 minute read.

It avoids years of legal trials, years of continued headlines, and perhaps further liability.
I have not read the article, because paywall, but I assume that the legal teams involved have spent far more time and expert analysis to reach this decision, than I could glean from any 10 minute read.

It avoids years of legal trials, years of continued headlines, and perhaps further liability.

I didn't pay to read the article in that link. You just have to click a button that says that is your one free article for the day.
MGM Grand has settled with the victims of the mass shooting for $800 million. While tragic what happened to all those people I don't see what MGM did that was negligent. That is a lot fo money to be paid out whether it's MGM or their insurance company. I understand the insurance company needing to pay for medical bills but beyond that I don't understand why they are responsible fro what this person did. Opinions?

When a company explicitly states that they are responsible for providing your protection, they are on the hook if something goes awry.
Sounds like victims and their lawyers felt that MGM didn't quite do enough to prevent a lunatic from dragging his arsenal through the lobby and into his room.

"Lawyers representing survivors and victims wanted MGM held liable for negligence because the shooter was able to enter the hotel with luggage that held an arsenal of high-powered, assault-style weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

"He brought in over 20 huge heavy bags over a three- or four-day period," Catherine Lombardo, a lawyer representing some of the shooting victims, told NPR last year."

I'm guessing MGM did the math and decided a settlement was the better choice.
The intent was a financial discussion only. Such as the financial impact of such a settlement on the company(s) involved and if it's warranted.

Vegas isn’t filled with glitzy hotels and casinos because they’re short on cash...
Sounds like victims and their lawyers felt that MGM didn't quite do enough to prevent a lunatic from dragging his arsenal through the lobby and into his room.

Did they have any signs in front of their property/building that said the equivalent of "We will protect you here, do not bring your own protection"?

I have no problem if MGM Grand goes bust. Although they will get bankruptcy protection is the settlement is too high.
I find it ridiculous that they have to pay a settlement. If he brought them in gradually over a number of days no one would notice. It’s a big hotel.
I find it ridiculous that they have to pay a settlement. If he brought them in gradually over a number of days no one would notice. It’s a big hotel.

Exactly. What do people expect. Do you want them to start going thru your luggage when you go to a hotel? Do we have to start treating hotels like airports where you and your luggage have to go thru x-ray screeners?
Did they have any signs in front of their property/building that said the equivalent of "We will protect you here, do not bring your own protection"?
No sign needed.

In Nevada I think it is assumed that you are permitted to bring your private arsenal with you at all times - even if it takes 20 bags. So it's all good.
I find it ridiculous that they have to pay a settlement. If he brought them in gradually over a number of days no one would notice. It’s a big hotel.

Apparently the MGM lawyers disagree. They didn't have to pay a settlement -they chose to do so.
Exactly. What do people expect. Do you want them to start going thru your luggage when you go to a hotel? Do we have to start treating hotels like airports where you and your luggage have to go thru x-ray screeners?
Perhaps it's just one of those things that happen.

I guess nobody should expect to survive a trip to Nevada...
Most Nevada casinos forbid guns on their premises even though we are a open carry state. They also forbid motorcycle riders from wearing their club’s colors after a shootout in a Reno casino between 2 groups. Places settle all the time even when the law may be on their side because of money and sympathy victims get.
Most Nevada casinos forbid guns on their premises even though we are a open carry state. They also forbid motorcycle riders from wearing their club’s colors after a shootout in a Reno casino between 2 groups. Places settle all the time even when the law may be on their side because of money and sympathy victims get.

Maybe they were concerned that while they supposedly forbid guns, they apparently permitted the shooter to lug 20 bags worth of personal arsenal in, which was then used to kill 58.

Anyway, MGM made the financial decision to settle. No need to feel any pity for them. Save it for the victims' families.
So every time there is a mass shooting people should sue the facility? I feel very sorry for the victims. One woman lost her eye and can’t afford a fake one. I am guessing no health insurance. There are much worse cases of course. But I think as a society the bigger question has to be answered. If this happens enough casinos and other hotels are going to have to put everything and everyone through a metal detector.
Maybe they were concerned that while they supposedly forbid guns, they apparently permitted the shooter to lug 20 bags worth of personal arsenal in, which was then used to kill 58.

Anyway, MGM made the financial decision to settle. No need to feel any pity for them. Save it for the victims' families.

In an ironic way, forbidding guns might make them more liable in that a person is then reliant on the hotel to protect them.
So every time there is a mass shooting people should sue the facility?
Everyone gets to decide who to sue.

I feel very sorry for the victims. One woman lost her eye and can’t afford a fake one. I am guessing no health insurance. There are much worse cases of course.
Yes, like the 58 that died. That's worse.

But I think as a society the bigger question has to be answered.
Which bigger question? There are many.
Apparently the MGM lawyers disagree. They didn't have to pay a settlement -they chose to do so.

Exactly. Their insurance is making the payment. Apparently they think it’s better for business to pay the money and get it behind them. Fighting it could result in months of bad press.
Exactly. Their insurance is making the payment. Apparently they think it’s better for business to pay the money and get it behind them. Fighting it could result in months of bad press.

Then people complain about high insurance costs. Maybe if people couldn't sue when there is no negligence then insurance wouldn't be so high.
MGM Grand has settled with the victims of the mass shooting for $800 million. While tragic what happened to all those people I don't see what MGM did that was negligent. That is a lot fo money to be paid out whether it's MGM or their insurance company. I understand the insurance company needing to pay for medical bills but beyond that I don't understand why they are responsible fro what this person did. Opinions?

Why do you think MGM should pay for medical bills if you don’t think they are responsible for what the shooter did?
Why do you think MGM should pay for medical bills if you don’t think they are responsible for what the shooter did?

Good point. MGM shouldn't be liable for anything. Why stop at sueing them? Why not sue the Vegas Police Department. Why not sue the doctors and nurses that didn't save their lives or that helped someone else before you. I think people need to take responsibility for themselves, their own safety and health costs, rather than sueing other people.
Looking for meaning in the settlement, it, the settlement isn't a morality play, making right what was wronged, nor making those at a loss whole again. The settlement is a stop loss measure.

I'm sure one could find a better source but here's a reference citing the MGM Grand annual revenue at $1.13 BILLION.

Tragic. Tragic loss of life. But the business of Vegas is business. :blush:
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