Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Check the inside back page of December's Money Magazine. I was interviewed a month or so ago and to my astonishment, they published a one page article on "How I Retired Before 50". It was quite an interesting experience. I would say they are about 85 - 95% accurate, they got the Place my wife worked wrong, our current accomodations, my salary at 35 was not very accurate, even if you included investment income, and a few other numerical discrepencies. That is probably what I averaged in my higher earning years with bonus'. Some years up some years down, you ex sales folks know how it goes. Otherwise the general idea is there. They are perfectly correct when they say we are into capital preservation now.
I mentioned this web site many times and requested they gave it credit along with the book "The Millionaire Next Door", but they did not. I also asked them to publish my web site, they omitted that also. I will be putting our story up there in a more accurate format, given time.
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Check the inside back page of December's Money Magazine. I was interviewed a month or so ago and to my astonishment, they published a one page article on "How I Retired Before 50". It was quite an interesting experience. I would say they are about 85 - 95% accurate, they got the Place my wife worked wrong, our current accomodations, my salary at 35 was not very accurate, even if you included investment income, and a few other numerical discrepencies. That is probably what I averaged in my higher earning years with bonus'. Some years up some years down, you ex sales folks know how it goes. Otherwise the general idea is there. They are perfectly correct when they say we are into capital preservation now.
I mentioned this web site many times and requested they gave it credit along with the book "The Millionaire Next Door", but they did not. I also asked them to publish my web site, they omitted that also. I will be putting our story up there in a more accurate format, given time.
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