Most Annoying Commercial

Don't care for liberty mutual ads except for the one with the emu family at Doug's barbecue. "Hot dog or chicken" and Mrs. Emu just looks at Doug through eyeglasses out of a Gary Larson cartoon.

I don’t like that one either. That guys voice and actions are most annoying.
Around here, it’s all the personal injury lawyer commercials. They’re on all the time.

I see the same advert in three different markets for the same person. The only think changed is the area code.

Plus when the advert indicates a 1 million dollar payout. Yes that can happen. That is if the poor soul or some relative that is claiming the problem has to

1. The victim has to have very expensive medical bills.

2. The family member/members of the person involved that person have to have died.

That fact is never in the spoken part of the advert.
What are all these commercials you speak of? I think those are the things I see in the superbowl but that is only once a year...

That is another thing these adverts in these games are verrrrry expensive to the advertisers only to be allowed to annoy us even more.

The Super Bowl game is long enough with those crazy half time goings on.
I only watch free over-the-air TV and that often involves second- or third-tier programming (i.e. nothing but oldies).

The commercials I despise the most are for Lume Deodorant (they are rather offensive, in my opinion) and anything from the myPillow guy (no additional comment). Each evening on my usual channels, I see these commercials multiple, multiple times.

On YouTube every time I state to look at a film on there I see the same advert from Credit Karma. Something about driving. Sometimes one can skip the adverts and so sometimes not.
Here in the Boston area there’s a political ad for a mayoral candidate who claims she’s “a mothah and a teachah who wants to be your mayah.” Seemed clevah the first time. Increasingly annoying the hundreds of times after that.

The ad company must have thought that was “wicked clevah”
I have noticed that the liquid going onto sanitary napkins in commercials is no longer blue, but actually red. My Dad would have had an absolute heart attack. All females in the household were required to pretend that menstruation did not exist.

Those foods are shown because those are negative calorie foods. When one consumes these foods one burns more calories than consumed from these foods.
The duo Tag Team singing their one hit wonder Whoomp, There It Is! That commercial always makes me smile and brings back fond memories. And it includes ice cream, with chocolate syrup. Whoever at Geico came up with that ad should get a raise.

Most hated: the Lume deodorant ad mentioned above, all the medical advantage ones, and the ones that start with, “I was struggling with/hated (fill in the blank) so I started my own company!”

Anyway, very annoying. But not really, because the mute button is my friend.

I think is is neat when that girl with the two hair knots leaves the kitchen.
I was taught in my marketing classes in college that doesn't matter whether folks like the commercial or not, as long as they remember it!!!! Brand recognition is what it's all about... supposedly, the brand stays in the forefront of one's mind at purchase decision time....

I might remember the ad but 99% of the thing advertised I have no need for or can not afford.

I also do not like recommending things to peeps because I do not like peeps doing that to me.
Here in the Boston area there’s a political ad for a mayoral candidate who claims she’s “a mothah and a teachah who wants to be your mayah.” Seemed clevah the first time. Increasingly annoying the hundreds of times after that.

Seems like her language is foreign. Her is most likely from a different country.
I am surprised no one has claimed onto political adverts. Besides the moyor advert from Boston.

Those politician adverts are the worstest. That is what I hate about election time.

I do not like each politician complaining about their opponents and making lies about them. When that person complaining is as bad as all the rest.
All are annoying and I take measures to mute them all.

Same here.
Plus we watch Netflix as our preferred method of watching shows and I love saving 15 minutes of my Life by not having commercials every hour !

When we do watch regular tv, some of those music jingles stick in my head because they are so corny or well done.
our attitude about ads is changing, of course no one likes them. We have several You tube channels we really like that aresmall family business or solo operators. I make it a point to watch at least half the commercials in full.

If I'm watching something like Tim Pool or JRE I have my finger on the skip now button.
It is a lot easier (and shorter) to name the commercials I like, as 99.999% of all commercials are annoying to me :).

One of the few commercials I can stand to watch repeatedly was one of the Garmin Holiday commercials with the guy driving around lost ("Look there's a moose, get me a noose..."). It is so well put together with the music and visuals, and hilarious. I can still remember it even though it has not aired in several year.
That is because they are aimed at gullible, dim old people.

Then there is the Actual Neuroscientist, touting the "brain supplement" made from jellyfish. How many people, with the first signs of cognitive impairment, are forking over big bucks, thinking this pricey cr@p will help?

C'mon, jellyfish are smart.
It is a lot easier (and shorter) to name the commercials I like, as 99.999% of all commercials are annoying to me :).

One of the few commercials I can stand to watch repeatedly was one of the Garmin Holiday commercials with the guy driving around lost ("Look there's a moose, get me a noose..."). It is so well put together with the music and visuals, and hilarious. I can still remember it even though it has not aired in several year.

I think marketing research has found that the commercials people remember as witty or fun are ineffective at getting people to consume the featured product. You need something subliminal, like Joe Namath.
Almost any commercial with a paid celebrity pitching something to me.
Really, some person who is probably getting paid more for one commercial than I ever made in a year, and I am expected to believe their endorsement is valid? Do I really look that stupid?
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Almost any commercial with a paid celebrity pitching something to me.
Really, some person who is probably getting paid more for one commercial than I ever made in a year, and I am expected to believe their endorsement is valid? Do I really look that stupid?

As if Joe Namath is really knowledgeable on reverse mortgages or Medicare Advantage plans...insulting stuff.
As if Joe Namath is really knowledgeable on reverse mortgages or Medicare Advantage plans...insulting stuff.

So, you’re saying Joe Namath didn’t wear pantyhose in real life?
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