Movies... watch more than once?


Gone but not forgotten
Jul 18, 2012
Several current threads on TV, Computer storage etc... Brings the question to mind.

Here's the question:
Why do people buy Movies?
The only time we ever watch a movie more than once, is if it's really old, and we've forgotten. Other than Deliverance and Fargo, rarely ever re-watch a movie.

Oh... BTW neither DW nor I have been to a movie theater since Star Wars, All the President's Men, and Raiders of the lost Ark. 19??

Do people buy or go to movies because there isn't enough selection available on TV? What am I missing?

'course, still wear spats and celluloid collars.
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I've never figured it out either. Other than Bond movies and some summer blockbusters (example: Independence Day, Spiderman), I rarely watch a movie more than once unless I happen to see one that I saw in the theatres later on TV and it is a slow day. We have a drawer full of DVDs but hardly ever view them.
I don't own it, but can check it out of the library. I need an Out of Africa fix every 2 years.
I do watch many movies more than once. According to iTunes, I watched some movies more than a dozen times each.
Oh... BTW neither DW nor I have been to a movie theater since Star Wars, All the President's Men, and Raiders of the lost Ark. 19??

Do people buy or go to movies because there isn't enough selection available on TV? What am I missing?

'course, still wear spats and celluloid collars.
DW and I ride our bikes downtown to a movie about once every two weeks. We like the big screen experience and often catch a double feature (we are at the theater mid-week, mid-day and they don't seem to mind). Better than wearing spats.
We go to movie theaters occasionally because (unless your house is considerably more grandiose than ours) you can't get the theater experience at your house. The sound and visuals are much better. Also, I can't sit and watch an entire movie at the house. I always think of something I need to be doing.

We always go to the early bird specials after we've had lunch and buy nothing except our tickets at the theater. The audience is usually a few retirees and other people playing hooky from their usual pursuits.

We also watch movies on TCM. We very rarely rent/download and never buy movie DVD's.
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donheff said:
DW and I ride our bikes downtown to a movie about once every two weeks. We like the big screen experience and often catch a double feature (we are at the theater mid-week, mid-day and they don't seem to mind). Better than wearing spats.

I suspect different areas have different big screen experiences. At our local gigaplex, the movie experience includes the glow of little screens as people text and call each other, the odd person talking back to the actors, and of course the facility, finished in old chewing gum and popcorn, with a coat of barge cement for the floor. Add in the free fire zone outside on Friday and Saturday nights, and it truly is an experience...

I like having movies I can watch at home. I might watch a new release once, and then put it on the shelf for years before coming back to it, but I generally do watch movies multiple times. Between my watching, and the other members of the family, we get considerable use out of the films we own. I'll also often watch older tv shows while grinding along on exercise equipment, so those get some use, too.
I don't own many movies -- just my four favorites that I rewatch frequently and a bunch of musicals from the 50s-60s that I'll put on for background while I do other things.

I hadn't gone to a movie in over 10 years, but I've been going again -- to arty/indie/foreign movies, and I've really been enjoying it. I live right by a historic gem of a theater, and everyone behaves quite well, so it's fun to go with friends and then to lunch/coffee to discuss the movie.

If I watch a movie at home, I tend to get distracted (computer, knitting, etc.) whereas at the theater I pay attention and can really lose myself in the story.
I usually don't like watching more than once. However, we have a pretty good selection of DVD's and Blu-rays. The kids always watched multiple times, and DW also, though more selectively.
There are only a handful of movies that I ever watch more than once. Come to think of it there are very few books I read more than once too, which makes we wonder why I ever bought so many. Though we have a collection of DVDs and books, those purchases are becoming very rare these days and I am sure they'll cease altogether for us eventually in lieu of online.
I do not watch movies more than once that often.... and not on a DVD... I might watch if it is on the TV (or should I say DVR as I would record it before watching it)...

The exception is ones DW want to watch... she loves the old Westerns... but when we start to watch them, she falls asleep within 15 minutes... it takes us weeks to finish a movie :facepalm:

Now, her and the kids watch some of their native language DVD over and over again... they love them... but they are mostly comedies...

I am sure there is someone who was a player on that movie... heck, I can not remember it now.... the one with the song 'Let's do the Time Warp Again'..... you know what I am talking about.... I had a friend who went to it here for a good number of years..... I went once....
We have seen some films multiple times over the years. Same with some TV episodes, and books. It is like eating comfort food, guaranteed to give a warm feeling and maybe bring back positive memories.

I think I will never tire of re-reading some books, or watching the same Christmas movies year after year.
The nice thing about getting old, is I can watch movies several times and each time is like the first time:LOL:
The nice thing about getting old, is I can watch movies several times and each time is like the first time:LOL:
Unfortunately tis true...something everyone has to look forward to, sooner or later.
it's funny; I have a shelf of movies I never watch after having recorded them, but there are dozens of movies that, if I run across them surfing tv, I will watch over & over again. Animal House, Back to the Future, Blues Bros, Close Encounters, even the Star Wars on Spike; seen 'em all many times, but watch 'em again
The first one that comes to mind is Blazing Saddles. I could watch that every month.
I prefer to watch movies rather than television shows. People usually buy movies if they watch them more then once and yes I have and do. We like to be entertained and use to go to movie theaters untill I installed a home theater in my home. Not a fancy one, just a 60" screen with 5.1 DTS sound.

Movies we've watched more then once, we have more than several hundred DVD's and VHS.

The Lion King
The Green Mile
The Dark Night
Million Dollar Baby
Harry Potter
Casino Royal
Shrek 2
Jurassic Park
Mrs. Doubtfire
Beauty and the Beast
Doctor Zhivago

And many more.
I am sure there is someone who was a player on that movie... heck, I can not remember it now.... the one with the song 'Let's do the Time Warp Again'..... you know what I am talking about.... I had a friend who went to it here for a good number of years..... I went once....
Given the possibility that it wasn't a rhetorical question......The Rocky Horror Picture Show. ;)

I own perhaps a dozen DVDs and a dozen VHS tapes, some purchased, some recorded.
I like classic Disney animation, Pixar, Mel Brooks, and history period films like Spartacus, Master & Commander, Ghandi, etc.
The VHS tapes will be discarded at some point, after I watch them again.

I find I am making more use of my DVR to record movies from TCM and AMC for myself and the History Channel for Mr B.

Winter is coming, so my movie watching and reading time will increase. In between entertainment sessions, I will shovel snow and build small snow scultures for exercise and cabin fever prevention.

I no longer go to public theatres. People are too rude.
What you're possibly missing by not watching more than once are elements that go by quickly. Many movie buffs like to, for example, spot details such as then-unknown actors in extra roles who later become well known. With multiple viewings, buffs can better spot set reuse, or sound effect reuse, such as the "Wilhelm scream" which can be heard in more than 200 films. Sometimes a complex plot becomes more enjoyable because it can be better followed on a subsequent viewing. Or sometimes it's just fun to view certain scenes again. It's a very delayed form of instant replay.
I also enjoy re-watching a movie to see then-unknown actors, but I do not buy DVDs and books any more. A movie is easy to catch on Netflix, Dish, stream it to computer or Google TV. Red Box is everywhere. Books we get from library and sometime as audio books to make a long drive go faster.
So our old books are ether stored in the closet or given away to the library. We can get used books at their 'book corner' for 25c and then give them back. I see is as renting.
Some movies just need to be seen often
Star Wars
Blazing Saddles
Some of the Bond movies.
Seven Samurai
Midway (one of my husband's favorites)

They're good entertainment without requiring concentration. so you can multitask while watching.

Another one that's in our repitoire - Fast Times at Ridgemont High. But that's because I graduated from the high school it was based on, my year. Probably not as funny to folks who didn't go to school with folks like those.
We've almost worn out our copy of The Blues Brothers. We've been through The God Father series several times too. Oh yeah, Forrest Gump always seems to offer a new perspective with each annual viewing.

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