My view of the stock markets & how I keep my sanity

Luckily, there is a $4 mid-day tango dance, so I walked over and spent a few hours with pretty women in high heels which certainly made me feel better.

Wow - great skill to have for getting through bummer market days!

Today I took a hike along my favorite trail with my dog and encountered two young mule deer near the lake. The buck had one antler, the other hadn't grown right, I guess. They stopped for a few minutes to take a look at us,mostly at my dog, then they hopped away through the tall grass. These mule deer literally hop, like on pogo sticks. Made my day. :) I'm going back tomorrow.
Saint's snatched defeat from the jaws of victory - whaaa!

I'm gonna watch the market and feel better.

heh heh heh - a couple thousand point drop will make me feel better - yield wise. :rolleyes: :cool:.
How I keep my sanity when the markets are tanking is remembering that the worst things that happened in my life were not about money .
I've always noticed that any "real" problem can't be fixed with money.
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