Nasty photos on iPad ER app

Is there any way to get them on Windows?
If the op is having symptoms similar to mine, the photos are not pop ups or in ads. Some are in the thread listing.


  • IMG_0047.JPG
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I turned off image preview under the iPad app settings to get rid of these photos.
If the op is having symptoms similar to mine, the photos are not pop ups or in ads. Some are in the thread listing.

Thanks Ronstar. Those pictures are revolting. The guy looking at his teeth, the female with the Raiders stickers on her boobs, and the fellow with the mutilated face, just to name a few. The rest of the pictures are usually silly or irrelevant to the discussion.

I read this site often with other people around including young children. We don't need this junk polluting its app.

I expect to see these pictures on sites that are click-bait - "Fourteen teen movie stars who look like H!@#L now" type of thing.
Thanks Ronstar. Those pictures are revolting. The guy looking at his teeth, the female with the Raiders stickers on her boobs, and the fellow with the mutilated face, just to name a few. The rest of the pictures are usually silly or irrelevant to the discussion.

I read this site often with other people around including young children. We don't need this junk polluting its app.

I expect to see these pictures on sites that are click-bait - "Fourteen teen movie stars who look like H!@#L now" type of thing.

Chuckanut - After doing a little thread checking, it looks like most, if not all, photos were posted by members in in their posts. The app just picks them up from the posts and puts them as graphics to the thread listing. I'll check further with the moderator team.
I use only the full website on all devices, not the apps, so photos stay in place with a post within a thread within a forum. Try that?
Chuckanut - After doing a little thread checking, it looks like most, if not all, photos were posted by members in in their posts. The app just picks them up from the posts and puts them as graphics to the thread listing. I'll check further with the moderator team.

They seem to be permanent, or at least semi-permanent since they have been there for weeks.

Maybe I am just to fussy and old fashioned. If nobody else is bothered by them, I can live with them.
If those who are annoyed at this (which included me) would follow this simple step, the problem would go away.

On the home page of this app...go to. Menu at the top of the page (the 3 bars) go to settings and turn off "image preview"
FYI, they have an unusual mushy texture unlike a typical sausage. Some people are turned off by it but I found the flavor worth overlooking that particular shortcoming.

I thought there had to be a reason to not go.:D
Only a guess, but my (not an IT person) guess is that the photos are stock photos that are pulled into the threads based on words that appear in the title or the body of the posts - an unfortunate part of the app software that indiscriminately pulls in photos that don't reflect the almost always classy nature of this forum.:cool:
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