New Cookie Showed up on my computer. Googled it. No info.

Regarding antivirus software: I currently have free AVG that I could install. Would that be just as good as Malwarebytes or Avast ? I assume any antivirus will slow things down bit, of course.
What operating system(s) are you using?
The older computer, which does connect to the internet, with no adjustment of settings, is Windows ME. The newer one, which does not, is Windows 7.
Just so you know, both of those Microsoft Windows operating systems are out of support, and have security vulnerabilities that will not be fixed.
The older computer, which does connect to the internet, with no adjustment of settings, is Windows ME. The newer one, which does not, is Windows 7.

Oh, my. If you're concerned about security this is your #1 issue. No security updates for many, many years.
Just so you know, both of those Microsoft Windows operating systems are out of support, and have security vulnerabilities that will not be fixed.

Oh, my. If you're concerned about security this is your #1 issue. No security updates for many, many years.
Agreed, running those OSs is probably not a good idea, mostly because of compatibility issues currently and going forward. Speed of the old computers is probably an issue too.

As far as security and hackers, if I was a hacker I would not bother with targeting the old OSs. Reason #1 would be that the population is small, so a good exploit would find few targets. Reason #2 would be that hacking old computers with old OSs is not likely to be particularly lucrative relative to other targets where I could apply my efforts.

But @target201, I think @gwill1010 is right, upgrading your software and hardware is probably a better use of your time than studying cookies.
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