Thanks to Barry Barnitz's blog for finding this gem about new Dividend ETF's:
Wisdom Tree Dividend ETF Registration Prospectus
Finally, [hopefully] cheap int'l small value-ish ETFs. C'mon iShares.
- Alec
Wisdom Tree Dividend ETF Registration Prospectus
The explosion of dividend based ETF Index funds continues apace with this projected offering of 20 new dividend ETF's from Wisdom Tree.
Here is a listing of the projected ETF's:
WisdomTree Total Dividend Fund
WisdomTree High-Yielding Equity(SM) Fund
WisdomTree LargeCap Dividend Fund
WisdomTree Dividend Top 100(SM) Fund
WisdomTree MidCap Dividend Fund
WisdomTree SmallCap Dividend Fund
WisdomTree DIEFA(SM) Fund
WisdomTree DIEFA High-Yielding Equity Fund
WisdomTree Europe Total Dividend Fund
WisdomTree Europe High-Yielding Equity Fund
WisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend Fund
WisdomTree Japan Total Dividend Fund
WisdomTree Japan High-Yielding Equity Fund
WisdomTree Japan SmallCap Dividend Fund
WisdomTree DIPR(SM) Fund
WisdomTree DIPR High-Yielding Equity Fund
WisdomTree International LargeCap Dividend Fund
WisdomTree International Dividend Top 100(SM) Fund
WisdomTree International MidCap Dividend Fund
WisdomTree International SmallCap Dividend Fund
Perhaps the most interesting element here is that, on the international side of the equation, these dividend indexes will offer the retail investor the first indexed exposure to International Small Cap and International Mid Cap segments of the international stock market.
Finally, [hopefully] cheap int'l small value-ish ETFs. C'mon iShares.
- Alec