NFL: 2016 Season

First, I have to stipulate that I'm a life-long Cowboys fan, and also a Romo fan.

But, reading all this speculation (which you know is also going on btwn team mgt) on his career fate really brings home what a "commodity" [-]we all are[/-] he is. Just a little reminder to give us some perspective. :rolleyes:

Yea, this comes up a good number of times with all sport teams... the big deal is if the player wants to play.... look at Peyton Manning... if a team will not re-sign him, then nobody is 'for sure'....

I remember when the Astros got Nolan Ryan when California thought he was already old and washed up... he was 32 and had played 12 years (throw out his first that was a nothing year)... after all he was a fast ball pitcher and they just do not last....

Then I remember when he had been with the Stros for 9 years and they wanted to cut his salary... they were trying to be 'kind' to him and let him stay on but did not think he had anything left... even though he led the league in strike outs that year and had the best ERA the year before (with a losing record no less)....

So, Texas signs him and he plays another 5 years and lead the league in strike outs two of those years... won the Cy Young his first year at Texas... also pitched two no hitters for them...
First, I have to stipulate that I'm a life-long Cowboys fan, and also a Romo fan.

But, reading all this speculation (which you know is also going on btwn team mgt) on his career fate really brings home what a "commodity" [-]we all are[/-] he is. Just a little reminder to give us some perspective. :rolleyes:

I wouldn't mind being a commodity, for seven figures...
All I can say is get your licks in now , my Cleveland Browns are starting 15 rookies and it is a brutal season but the team that is being built will be around for years . We got the moneyball boy Podesta helping on our drafting and everyone knows what he did for the Angels !
I wouldn't mind being a commodity, for seven figures...

Reminds me of the old quote (Winston Churchill [WC] ?).

WC is chatting up a Beautiful Woman (BW) at a high society dinner party.

BW: Why, Mr. Churchill! You're so charming and powerful but, I don't know if you're rich enough for me!
WC: Madam, would you sleep with me for $1 million?
BW: Well, in that case, yes I would.
WC: Then, would you sleep with me for $5?
BW: Why, absolutely not!!! What kind of woman do you think I am ?!
WC: We've already established that Madam. Now, we're just haggling over price.
How 'bout Them Eagles!

Division Champs, first round bye & home field advantage throughout the playoffs...for the Cowboys that is. :dance:

It'll be interesting to see how far this young team goes in the playoffs. I'll be rooting for them. :clap::clap::clap:
How 'bout Them Eagles!

Division Champs, first round bye & home field advantage throughout the playoffs...for the Cowboys that is. :dance:

It'll be interesting to see how far this young team goes in the playoffs. I'll be rooting for them. :clap::clap::clap:
Eli made some great passes last night (to the Eagles) :LOL: with 3 interceptions to help out the Cowboys (indirectly).

Funny, the only team to beat the Cowboys this year was NY (twice) and they are the ones that pushed the Cowboys to the top. :facepalm:

Go Cowboys. :dance::dance::dance:
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Cowboys fans better hope they don't have to play the Giants in the playoffs. They have proven they can beat all NFC teams but the Giants.

As a Pats fan the only team that scares me in the Super bowl is the Giants. The 3 INTs Eli in last nights' game will become the clutch ELI in the playoffs.
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The thing that scares me the most about the Giants are their WRs, especially Odell.
If the Giants have the same game plan as they did against Philly last night they will not win too many games in the playoffs even with Odell. Eli attempted 63 passes:confused: Only 5 times out 18 a team won the game when they attempted as many passes.

Bad coaching.....
If the Giants have the same game plan as they did against Philly last night they will not win too many games in the playoffs even with Odell. Eli attempted 63 passes:confused: Only 5 times out 18 a team won the game when they attempted as many passes.

Bad coaching.....

The Eagles got (made) a few breaks in last night's game. But, I think a big part of their success against Beckham was the double coverage scheme. Plus, Eli's receivers dropped a lot of passes.
For now, coach is weak link for Giants. How do you coach two extremes like Eli and OD?
The Eagles got (made) a few breaks in last night's game.

There were some bad calls and some missed calls in that game. Personally, I really don't like seeing bad calls regardless of which team benefits. I've seen the outcome changed in too many games because of bad/missed calls. Also, the "judgement" between officials seems to vary a lot between games, especially when it comes to roughing the passer or kicker and pass interference calls.

Plus, Eli's receivers dropped a lot of passes.

The Eagles didn't drop many of Eli's passes.:LOL:
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Hoping the Giants will take out the Redskins so that my Lions will get at least one playoff game. Looking good so far.
Hoping the Giants will take out the Redskins so that my Lions will get at least one playoff game. Looking good so far.

They are going to need it since they will be losing to the Packers tonight. :hide:
Wow. 17/19, 235yds, 4TDs all in the first half for Matt Ryan. Looks like he's making sure there is no doubt who should get the MVP. Brady played well today but not well enough and it doesn't look like Rodgers will be able to out play Ryan either. Ryan may not have the 'name' of Rodgers or Brady but he deserves the MVP.
Wow. 17/19, 235yds, 4TDs all in the first half for Matt Ryan. Looks like he's making sure there is no doubt who should get the MVP. Brady played well today but not well enough and it doesn't look like Rodgers will be able to out play Ryan either. Ryan may not have the 'name' of Rodgers or Brady but he deserves the MVP.

I don't really care that much but, I wouldn't discount Rodgers' performance or his stats.

Since the fun began on a Monday night in Philadelphia in Week 12, that's 15 TD passes to 0 INTs to go with 6-0. Rodgers' final numbers were very familiar and league MVP-like: 40 TDs and 4,428 yards with only 7 INTs, none since Week 10.

Aaron Rodgers, more valuable than ever for Packers | NFL | Sporting News
This is one where it can go any way....

Ryan has the highest rating... higher % completions... more yards... more yards per pass... almost the same TDs with over 70 fewer passes... and half the number of fumbles than Rodgers... also a better record than GB...

I would lean more toward Ryan on just comparing the stats... I did not see an Atlanta game at all... so can only look at stats...
This is going to be interesting...

The Texans are going to be playing Oakland.... probably the ONLY team they have a chance of beating since they will be using their third string QB...

I think the Texans will then be slaughtered by KC or NE....
Here's my take on MVP:
With Zek not doing much the last two games I don't think he can be considered with just a little over 1600yds. It seems pretty clear that the top two are Ryan and Rodgers. I think it should go to Ryan with Rodgers in second. Third would be either Brady or Prescott but they shouldn't be all that close to the top two.

I'm a life-long Packer fan and Rodgers fan but you can't argue with Ryan's stats and leadership. Neither Ryan or Rodgers have a lot of help like Brady and especially Prescott have. They are true MVPs.

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