
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

TromboneAl said:
I saw a few scanners last week at garage sales for under $10. 

I've bought 'em and resold 'em. Most everything I buy at yard sales, flea
markets, etc gets resold. It's a good thing because DW buys at
about every one she sees and some of the stuff will be around here
forever. Anyway, I will pop for a new one as this is an important mission :)

Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

Have Funds said:
So how'd all you ugly asses get such cute women:confused:  :eek:

Wow, testosterone flows freely here..... Let's open up the meat market

Notice that the women on here don't brag either about their own looks or the looks of DH?

Still no pics to back up all the statements either


Judge Judy had a statement I like 'Beauty fades, dumbness is forever'
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

vic said:
Wow, testosterone flows freely here..... Let's open up the meat market

Notice that the women on here don't brag either about their own looks or the looks of DH?

Still no pics to back up all the statements either


Judge Judy had a statement I like 'Beauty fades, dumbness is forever'

Hey, I've posted plenty of pictures of my hot self for this board's female viewing pleasure!

(If there was any male viewing pleasure, I just don't want to know! :eek: )
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

John, didn't you say your wife was a smoker? :'(

After 40 years of smokin', she ain't no babe! :LOL:
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

Zipper said:
John, didn't you say your wife was a smoker? :'(

After 40 years of smokin', she ain't no babe! :LOL:

I want a full apology when I get a photo posted. :)

Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

HaHa said:
And you, Monsieur Zipper, are no gentleman.

More of the same, really.
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

Well folks............I apologize. I promised photos and have spent
an ungodly amount of time trying to provide them with no success.
I have given up, and if I had a nine iron handy the odds are good
that I would destroy this electronic satan. Hell, I'm a
Luddite anyway. I shouldn't even be using a computer.

I gave it my best shot.

Re: Sure, nice try...

MRGALT2U said:
Well folks............I apologize.  I promised photos and have spent an ungodly amount of time trying to provide them with no success. I have given up, and if I had a nine iron handy the odds are good that I would destroy this electronic satan.  Hell, I'm a
closet Luddite anyway.  I shouldn't even be using a computer.

I gave it my best shot. JG

Let's review here:
MRGALT2U said:
Have owned a couple of used scanners which didn't seem to work so I sold them in garage sales (stay with me here and remember I am technologically challenged)......................

So, the other day I visited or called every store in the area (and some out) to get info/prices on scanners. I found one (managers close out) at CompUSA for (drum roll).................................................................. $29 after rebate.

BTW, this is not a tease. Once I get set up to post photos (if it's easy) you may be sorry the gauntlet was thrown down. OTOH, some of C-Ts stuff is real nice. Hope I can keep to to the standards he has set for me :) JG

MRGALT2U said:
Re. the scanner.............still waiting on CompUSA to call me to pick it up. If they don't come through by tomorrow, then I may just go to Kinkos (as suggested) with photos and a blank disc. I called and they quoted me $9.95 per photo! I thought that was a bit much since I am only paying $30 for the scanner (assuming I ever see it). Be of good cheer though. Photos will follow, one way or another. Remember, everything I say is (by definition) a promise. JG

So let me get this straight, JG. You passed up a guaranteed successful $10 deal at Kinko's in favor of spending three times as much money (and gosh knows how much more time) to admit failure.

- Is this what the NRA considers your "best shot"?
- What exactly were you promising to accomplish?
- What part of this scanner saga requires a 170 IQ?
- Could any of your fellow Mensa-ites help out, or do they have lower IQs?
- Are there any franchises near your house that can show you how to pop a photo under a scanner lid (kinda like a copier machine found in any of your former businesses) and produce a file that can be burned to a CD or even a diskette, and posted here? Or do they not have the requisite IQs either?
- For the price of a few stamps (less than the $30 AND $10 prices quoted thus far) you could mail those photos to me-- or just about any of us-- and we could hook you right up. Or is that too technical for a "closet Luddite"?

MRGALT2U said:
I want a full apology when I get a photo posted. :) JG
No apologies, but it is a pretty sorry performance!
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

I never had any luck posting a pic either. Can someone give a step by step lesson on how to do that here? Seems like I read that the file cannot exceed a certain size. How do you reduce the file size? I promise it will be worth your while. I wanted to post a pic of a couple of New Orleans refugees on the beach in Destin, FL 2 days before Katrina hit. ;)
Re: Sure, nice try...

Nords said:
- For the price of a few stamps (less than the $30 AND $10 prices quoted thus far) you could mail those photos to me-- or just about any of us-- and we could hook you right up.  Or is that too technical for a "closet Luddite"?
No apologies, but it is a pretty sorry performance!

Nords: What part of "world class bull-s-------"
don't you understand? :D
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

ex-Jarhead said:
Nords: What part of "world class bull-s-------"
don't you understand? :D
Yeah, that's the phrase I was looking for!

DOG51 said:
I never had any luck posting a pic either. Can someone give a step by step lesson on how to do that here?
Good question.  The easiest answer is with the least futzing is... Photobucket

I've stumbled on a MS Photo Editor setting or two but I'm looking forward to hearing the detailed procedures from the experts!
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

I created a thread on How to Post a Picture here.
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

Better option than a scanner and fiddling with resizing photos (for current material) is to buy a crappy low resolution digital camera for $15-20, take your photos, upload them to the computer with the good old USB cable, and post them.

If you've got windows XP, the software to grab photos is built in and easy enough to use that I taught my computer illiterate mother in law to do it in 5 minutes.

Otherwise you'll have to use whatever s/w comes with the camera.
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

Yes, it was a pretty sorry performance and a lot of wasted
time. BTW Nords, I spent the money at Kinkos as someone
suggested. That didn't work either. A complete and total
failure all the way around. I am not spending any more time on this. I said it had to be "easy" (to post a photo). It wasn't.

Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

It is easy.

You're just not smart enough :D
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

My Great Grandmother is 78, and as she left school at 14 she still mostly writes in block capitals. She has arthritic hands and is starting to suffer the onset a some dementia. She often gets her 5 adult children's names confused and sometimes refers to me as if I was my father (one of her sons). She has never used a mobile phone and cannot programme a VCR. But last week she managed to send me an e-mail with a picture she had taken on a digital camera and which she uploaded onto her primary school reunion web-site.

To use a soccer metaphor......

-  Senile Grannies...............1,

-  IQ in the stratosphere Mensa member left handed INTJ former captain of industry CEO with a mountain moving self-will and    ego................................Nil.

Ha ha  :D
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

Honkie said:
My Great Grandmother is 78

Ha ha  :D

You must be a young buck if your Great Grand mother is 78! My mother is pushing 88.
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

No one brought this up yet, so...

"Do you have any nude photos of your wife?"


"Want some?"

Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

CORRECTION:  Post should read Grandmother - Sorry !

As an aside, we are quite a "young" family - Grandfather is 81, Grandmother as mentioned is 78, Mum and Dad are 57 and 56 respectively and I am 36.

Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....



  • WifeInSwimSuit.jpg
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Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

Patrick said:

Whose grandma is that? :eek:


  • WifeInSwimSuit.jpg
    3.5 KB · Views: 63
Re: I thought I'd post a Picture of my Wife in her Swim Suit.....

MJ said:
Whose grandma is that? :eek:

My granddaughter's.  :D  I guess I got my post out of sequence.  I was replying to "I thought I'd post a picture of my wife in her swimsuit."
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