cute fuzzy bunny
Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
I understand that the declaration has been made to force evacuate NO.
I was watching a couple of these evacuations this morning on tv while the baby was stomping on my kidneys.
You arent allowed to take your pets with you; dogs, cats, birds, whatever are to be left behind.
I would hazard a guess that its going to be a little longer than a week or two before people would be allowed to return to their property.
In the one case I watched, a couple of guys with plenty of canned food and bottled water, in a dry house, appearing to be perfectly a-ok, were taken out of the house by six army guys with batons, and told to leave the two dogs in the yard.
How would you deal with this?
In my case, it'd be "Sorry, but i'm not leaving my dogs to die in my yard. You might as well start beating me in the head with those sticks now. And I'll be heading back here the moment I regain consciousness.
I was watching a couple of these evacuations this morning on tv while the baby was stomping on my kidneys.
You arent allowed to take your pets with you; dogs, cats, birds, whatever are to be left behind.
I would hazard a guess that its going to be a little longer than a week or two before people would be allowed to return to their property.
In the one case I watched, a couple of guys with plenty of canned food and bottled water, in a dry house, appearing to be perfectly a-ok, were taken out of the house by six army guys with batons, and told to leave the two dogs in the yard.
How would you deal with this?
In my case, it'd be "Sorry, but i'm not leaving my dogs to die in my yard. You might as well start beating me in the head with those sticks now. And I'll be heading back here the moment I regain consciousness.