on-line photo service suggestions?

simple girl

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Site Team
Sep 10, 2006
Are there any on-line photo services that will let others download your pics for free, at the normal size? So far the ones I have looked at let you do "save as" on the pics, but you only get the thumbnail size.
Do a google search for "free photo sharing" you'll find lots of options including google's own Picassa product.

But.... many image hosting services will delete images after some period of time to keep bandwidth down, so be sure to keep the original on your system. Image hosting is a tricky deal... you are using someone else's storage space for free and so you can expect to find some strings attached.
I know you said "Free", but I was reading in BusinessWeek last night about a premium service @ $40/year which has no limitations. SmugMugs, I think.

What about photos you upload to have printed at costco? I think others can view them - since you are paying Costco to print them, I guess that covers their server cost?

But I have not tried sharing this way - there may be strings.

Are there any on-line photo services that will let others download your pics for free, at the normal size? So far the ones I have looked at let you do "save as" on the pics, but you only get the thumbnail size.

i use googles picasa
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