One Month FIRED- a 30-day update


Full time employment: Posting here.
Oct 19, 2014
June 3rd was my final day. I retired for several reasons- mainly my health and that the job was taking much more than it gave.

The first 2 weeks of retirement were spent on the beach in Mexico with friends. Not surprisingly, work did not suddenly switch "off" and retirement switch "on". I had several sleepless nights and some anxiety about work and life. Over the course of the vacation, it began to dawn on me that I don't have to go back to work (my friends and wife did). I found myself breaking into large grins at the thought of no more work.
Upon returning home, I immediately headed to the gym. Over the last 8 years, I have put on quite a bit of weight and developed significantly high BP. Getting healthy is my number 1 priority in retirement. I enjoy working out so this should not be an issue. A bit worried about developing diabetes also.
I began a few small house projects, including setting up my home office where I anticipate spending much of my time.
Over the last week, I have begun sleeping better and longer (that really surprised me). I still take 2 benedryl every night but plan on weaning myself off of that over the next few months.
I was a big cigar smoker. I only have a few left in the humidor and and quitting those as soon as they are gone (sniff, sniff, tears)

All-in-all, it has been a great beginning to retirement.
Congrats! I can assure you, as time goes on, you will think less and less about w*rk. For me, retirement has been the greatest blessing in my life...I truly had NO idea how great it would be. Sure, I knew it would be pretty nice, but the absolute joy of it? Wow...I cant' really put it into words.

Good job on getting on the "healthy" bandwagon. Retirement should be the best time of your life, and being healthy is key in attaining 100% enjoyment from it!
I still break out into big grins when I think about no more work ! You are off to a great start. Soon retirement will seem "normal". I barely remember working, and I've only been retired a year.
Congrats! We had the same final day. 5 week anniversary today! I am slowly starting to relax as well. Full afterburner to idle takes a bit of time to slow down.

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