Opioids - Are we throwing baby out, etc.?

When I had total hip replacement I got a 5 day prescription of Oxy which had to be picked up from a pharmacy not given out at the hospital. Then I had to get a refill 5 days later when there is no chance of being able to leave the house on my own. What do people who don't have anyone to help them do in that situation? I'm worried about later in life when I need a revison surgery and I don't have any family left to help me. If I didn't have any Oxy post-surgery I probably would have taken a bottle of Ibuprofen then used my walker to walk into traffic. Better than unneeded suffering from horrible pain.

I don't know where you are, Aaron, but around here, we have an organization called The Friendship Center (for seniors) who would send a small bus (free of charge) to pick you up and take you to the pharmacy. It's funded by the County. I have volunteered there for two weeks doing tasks like that. Maybe there is something like that available where you are?
I don't know where you are, Aaron, but around here, we have an organization called The Friendship Center (for seniors) who would send a small bus (free of charge) to pick you up and take you to the pharmacy. It's funded by the County. I have volunteered there for two weeks doing tasks like that. Maybe there is something like that available where you are?

I'm not sure if there is anything like that around here or not. Either way, I probably won't be a 'senior' when I need a revision surgery since the original was at age 38 and i'm very active walking over 10 miles a day at work and lifting thousands of pounds a day. I'll likely need another hip in my 50's.
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