+1 Hopefully by the end of today (or very soon) you will have some professional assessments/diagnosis/prognosis/options.Honestly, anything we would say here would only be speculation. It's hard to wait, but that's what I would suggest. Speak with those following your DW's case. They will explain everything that they know from the scan.
God's blessing on you and DW. We are here for you.
Do you have a follow up with the dr who did the biopsy or your PCP soon? They can explain in detail the CT scan and biopsy results, and what it means.
biopsy result should come out today. will be calling couple places (the oncologist, UCLA, City of Hope).
trying to understand the CT scan report (became available online yesterday), it seems to say there's no pancreatic tumor but the tumors are in the pelvic instead? If anyone can explain the major issues to me, I'll greatly appreciate it. thank you so much.
primary doc said he'll call me this week, i guess i'm just trying to jump the gun and can't wait for things to start happening.
Unless a doctor on this site can send you a PM, it would be imprudent of anyone else to interpret the report, and you shouldn't rely on such interpretation. As hard as it is, wait until you can discuss with your doctor. If I can add a suggestion: use your cell phone or separate recording device to record the discussion. I believe that is much better than taking hand-written notes. Better yet, have another person with you to discuss anything with the doctor. Best wishes to you and your wife during this difficult time.
Unless a doctor on this site can send you a PM, it would be imprudent of anyone else to interpret the report, and you shouldn't rely on such interpretation. As hard as it is, wait until you can discuss with your doctor.
If I can add a suggestion: use your cell phone or separate recording device to record the discussion. I believe that is much better than taking hand-written notes. Better yet, have another person with you to discuss anything with the doctor. Best wishes to you and your wife during this difficult time.
If I can add a suggestion: use your cell phone or separate recording device to record the discussion. I believe that is much better than taking hand-written notes.
went to see oncologist yesterday, he thinks according to ct scan, it's ovary cancer but need to wait for biopsy results.
wife is in very poor shape, very fatigue because everything she eats causes bloating even though she is taking beano and gas relief. anyone knows of any remedy or this , truly appreciate it. Please feel free to give advice, we're willing to try anything.
One of our relatives suggested yellow dragonfruit (available at a Korean grocery store) for her constipation, it's working so far. prescription stool softener didn't help.
If it is indeed ovarian cancer, unfortunately bloating, gas and constipation are typical symptoms.went to see oncologist yesterday, he thinks according to ct scan, it's ovary cancer but need to wait for biopsy results.
wife is in very poor shape, very fatigue because everything she eats causes bloating even though she is taking beano and gas relief. anyone knows of any remedy or this , truly appreciate it. Please feel free to give advice, we're willing to try anything.
One of our relatives suggested yellow dragonfruit (available at a Korean grocery store) for her constipation, it's working so far. prescription stool softener didn't help.
This is a very good suggestion. I did this recently with a specialist to whom I was referred. I did make sure to ask her for permission first (she was total thumbs up).