Our dog is gone and my heart hurts

Sorry for your loss. It is the hardest thing to do showing your love at the end of the pet's life. BTDT too many times myself over the years. Time helps the hurting.
Scuba, so sorry to hear about your loss. It is very difficult to know when to put pets down. It sounds like you made the right call.
I still miss every one of my many pets. I keep their ashes, and I want my ashes mixed with theirs when the time comes.

Our pets count on us to do the right things for them. It sounds like you did...all the way to the end. They would do the same for us if they could.
So sorry for your loss but you did the right thing for sure. My eyes tear up a bit thinking to the time nearly 9 years ago that we had to make that difficult decision for out last dog (aged 14 with cancer and failing kidneys.) It was so hard at the time - he was our first pet - and those last minutes of life with him are seared into my memory but I know we did the right thing. Our current dog turns 8 in June and I'm thinking how time flies for us all!
It is the hardest part of pet ownership. We lost our girl 2 years ago and every time I see her picture, my heart breaks a little all over again. She was 14 and had lymphoma, so we had time to prepare, but it still wasn't easy, yet it was the right thing to do.

On the bright side, we did everything we could to make her happy and she returned the favor. She had a good life. I'm sure you did the same.
Scuba, I'm so sorry for your loss.
I will let our rescue pup, Teddy, sleep on my bed tonight instead of besides me.
I am sorry. Losing a pet is such a difficult loss. One doesn’t understand how heart-wrenching it is until one goes through the experience. It hurts deeply. I will say your feelings of guilt are normal. Can’t tell you how many times I and my husband second guessed ourselves… is now the time? Should we wait? Did we wait too long? Stressful. It is not always clear cut. You did the best you could for him, that is clear. And you did the right thing.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Scuba. I have put down 4 cats so far, and I can tell you this - I waited too long every time and made them suffer unnecessarily, because I didn't want to let them go. Take comfort in the fact that you knew your dog and did what was right for him.
Scuba, so sorry for your loss.
We had to put our sweet 8 year old lab down because of cancer. It was one of the hardest things we ever had to do. I feel your pain, but it sounds like you did the right thing. The hurt lessens over time, but the memories last a lifetime.
I still miss every one of our furry friends who are no longer with us. Thank goodness we have the option of euthanasia so that they do not suffer as much.

Bless you Scuba as you mourn. Soon the great memories will crowd out the loss.

It took a while, but I eventually looked at pictures and videos of our various pampered pets and was amazed that my sadness had been replaced by joy. I'm sure you will remember the good times.
I too feel your loss. We had 2 wonderful little girls that thought they were sisters even though they weren't. They were 3 months apart in age, and totally different. One Shipoo and one Shitzu. We lost them within 6 months of each other and so far my DW says she still isn't ready to try it again. so we just muddle on in our doggyless life!
Sorry for your loss. I lost my 16 year old Kitty in January. The vet assured me he was not in pain. He died at home with me with him. Even though I spent thousands on his care I still feel guilty thinking there must have been more I could have done.
As we watch a pets quality of life go down, and we do what is best for them, it is nevertheless a difficult thing to get over. Hope you can enjoy all those good memories and the pain of your loss will go away soon.
As we watch a pets quality of life go down, and we do what is best for them, it is nevertheless a difficult thing to get over. Hope you can enjoy all those good memories and the pain of your loss will go away soon.

Exactly. Well said.
Having to say goodbye to an old friend is so difficult. I'm sorry to hear that his final years were hard for him and that you had to make the decision to finally let him go and rest peacefully. He was a lucky dog to have been part of your family.

Yup, a lucky dog indeed.

As time goes on the hurt of loosing a dog will diminish and the longing of wanting a dog will increase and you will be back to the shelter for another dog.

Which is what your departed dog would like most. He'll be watching you from above because all dogs go to heaven.
I'm sorry for your loss of your much loved pet.
It sounds like you did the best for him and considered his quality of life.
Take care and focus on the good memories.
Thank you all for your kind and supportive words. I know many others have been through this and that in time, the grief will lessen. Actually my husband had a very unexpected heart attack 4 days after we put our dog down, so that has certainly taken my mind off of losing our dog.

Luckily DH had an emergency quadruple bypass and survived. I’m still somewhat in shock that this happened with no warning, and am now dealing with a mixture of relief and gratitude that he’s still alive, fear and uncertainty about what might happen, and grief over capabilities we may have lost.
Scuba, you are a strong person and both your beloved DH and pet are and were lucky to have you in their life. Sincerely sorry for your loss and best wishes to you and DH.

Your dog had a good run and lived in a loving home.
You will always question when you had to put him down …
no matter when it was. I like to think he is looking
down at you from doggy heaven and silently saying …
“Thank you so much “
So sorry to hear of your loss, Scuba.

We lost out own pup on 4/10, at 10:20pm. He was only nine and a half years old, and he was in good health, until he wasn’t. He had a normal day, ate normally, tools his normal morning and evening walks, we played tug pf war after dinner, just like every day. Then, we took him to potty at about quarter after 10, and he didn’t immediately return. We found him belly down, staring at the pool. My wife called to him and he finally got up and came in, but belly flopped again on his way to his bed, and had labored breathing. After maybe 10 breaths, and us frantically trying to revive him, he flopped on his side and expired. We raced him to the emergency vet, to no avail. He was already gone.

We are heartbroken. I’ve largely tried to replace the bad memory of his loss with all of the good memories that he brought us. My wife, however, is still just devastated. He was her little boy (and our girl dog is my little girl, but he was my tug of war buddy). But whenever we think about “why” it just becomes too painful again. We don’t know the “why” and decided against necropsy since it wouldn’t bring him back. He’s just gone too soon. They bring so much love when they join your family but the pain of losing them is indescribable, especially when you don’t even get to say “goodbye”.
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