Party Like its 11-6-2018

Thank you election gods that this one is over along with the constant barrage of campaign literature. My mailbox thanks you, my texts thank you, my front door thanks you, my TV thanks you, and we look forward to no more overt campaigning for the near future. Peace is wonderful.

I guess living in a gate guarded community has it benefits...
Thank you election gods that this one is over along with the constant barrage of campaign literature. My mailbox thanks you, my texts thank you, my front door thanks you, my TV thanks you, and we look forward to no more overt campaigning for the near future. Peace is wonderful.

Thankfully, our subscriptions to Hulu and Netflix as well as my AdBlock has done an excellent job of insulating me from the campaign buffoonery. Of course, lots and LOTS of signs, but since I sit home a good 6 days a week...I don't have to see them that much, either. :D

I have heard rumblings that there were some issues with very long lines and waiting at the polls but absentee voting keeps me from dealing with that too.
It is actually quite refreshing, no trick or treaters, no JW's, no solicitors whatsoever, no noisy neighbors, no purple houses. Nice well maintained (Not by me) manicured lawns, golf course and grounds, an ideal no maintenance (Except the house) retreat. We hate regular garden maintenance. Our HOA is actually very reasonable without demi-god attitudes. Not for everyone, but we like it.
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I really don’t know the purpose of sending all those flyers. We don’t read them and they go straight to the trash. Can’t even recycle them because they are glossy. What a waste!
I really don’t know the purpose of sending all those flyers. We don’t read them and they go straight to the trash. Can’t even recycle them because they are glossy. What a waste!

We really did not get that many, maybe in the last month we perhaps got 1 per week. We get more Real Estate news and local RE sales reports than Political propaganda. There always seems to be someone wanting to list one's house these days.
Interestingly, in spite of the feeling of living in particularly acrimonious times, the election
results were almost a perfect match with typical historical midterm results. Tomorrow there
will be massive efforts on both sides to explain how momentous it was. It wasn't by any objective observation.

Great country and great times. I appreciate so much being here, now.


Our biggest "upset" locally was the incumbent sheriff (retired federal law enforcement) lost.

Replaced by another guy...also retired from federal law enforcement.

Not exactly a revolution.
"The most important election of our lifetimes..." until the next one of course. And the beat goes on.

Ain’t that the truth. I bet there were people planning 2020 strategies before the first poles closed. I used to be a political and news junky. Lately, I’ve been turning off the tv and doing something else.

As for the flyers ad advertisements, I’ve never understood but they must have value. I can’t imagine they ever changed someone’s mind on who they would vote for.
Thank you election gods that this one is over along with the constant barrage of campaign literature. My mailbox thanks you, my texts thank you, my front door thanks you, my TV thanks you, and we look forward to no more overt campaigning for the near future. Peace is wonderful.

The news media started in strong on 2020 last week. Who benefits from a constant election cycle? The media. Free content , loads of advertising. So glad I dropped cable.
I once again had the privilege of a "bucket list" activity yesterday: Election judging.

If you've ever been curious about it, please consider putting your hand up for the 2020 cycle. (Recruiting and training will vary by state, but will likely be in early summer. Our training was in July this year.)

While exhausting (16 hour day!), it is also exhilarating.
Having served the country all my adult life, I agree...we just need to keep working on those flaws. Many have been resolved, some within my lifetime; some are within solving reach; others will be our children's to take care of. No, I won't mention which flaws are which! I think we all know. :cool:


In all seriousity, I love living in this country, even with all it's flaws. Wouldn't live anywhere else.
It is typically said that the markets have likely scenarios priced in. So why is the market way up today when the most likely scenario happened in the election?
I know there can be other news, but nothing major comes to mind and this is not so atypical recent reaction of supposed news priced in, then it happens but the market still continues moving directionally after the event/news takes place.
( Buys Toys
If you go west on Hwy. 30 between Roans Prairie you will see the signs . Most are on the south side of the road but a few farmers had political flags out last week . I can't say on here who their flags were for .
The news media started in strong on 2020 last week. Who benefits from a constant election cycle? The media. Free content , loads of advertising. So glad I dropped cable.


We don't miss cable at our house either along with the associated exorbitant bills.
I once again had the privilege of a "bucket list" activity yesterday: Election judging.

If you've ever been curious about it, please consider putting your hand up for the 2020 cycle. (Recruiting and training will vary by state, but will likely be in early summer. Our training was in July this year.)

While exhausting (16 hour day!), it is also exhilarating.

Worked at our polling precinct setting up Monday afternoon and 16 hours on election day.

My experience, along with the experiences of the 3 other poll workers at our precinct were anything but exhilarating. Yep, 4 of us were expected to run the show for the entire day. Our precinct was slammed with voters from the time we opened until we closed at 7 pm.

Whoever in our county's election department was responsible for selecting the poll's location was out of their mind. We were crammed into a room of approximately 600 square feet that was located in the bowels of an expansive retirement community. There was inadequate signage provided us by the elections department to help direct voters from multiple street access points to the polling location; the retirement community scheduled an antique car show the same day which limited parking for voters. Did I mention how short-staffed we were? Trying to usher handicapped voters - which there were plenty of in this location - was extremely problematic. Voters were quite often having to fill out their ballots while standing elbow-to-elbow with others as we had an inadequate number of booths. So much for casting one's ballot privately. We are certain that a number of people who wanted to vote at our location yesterday just gave up when they had trouble locating us in the first place.

Our inspector - who was a seemingly kind, elderly lady - whose position is responsible for running the polling place, was in over her head. She became terse with several voters who committed the crimes of needing assistance and/or asking legitimate questions. The same Inspector had a regrettable confrontation with a poll observer who wanted to observe us closing the poll. The inspector locked her out and refused the observer entrance when the poll closed in spite of demands by County election officials to allow the observer in!

The ONLY saving grace was that our Judge and Marshall both had previous experience as this was my first time working as a ballot clerk.

I sent a lengthy and terse email this morning to our County elections department detailing yesterday's experiences.
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